29508 - City and Landscape Representation (A)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 9265)

    Also valid for Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 9265)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the class, students are able to use the drawing as a tool for "knowledge" of landscape, architecture and city in order to define the centrality of the relationship between analysis and project. In particular, students know how to use different representation techniques to analyze, know, describe and draw, in a proportionate way, both landscape, city and architecture.

Course contents

Representation processes and tools are considered as means which cannot be separated from the ends. This hypothesis is both theoretically grounded in, and confirmed by, the constant role that design has played in the work of the masters of the past, which emphasises the centrality of the analysis/design relationship.

Students must be aware of the forms of architecture, city and landscape and must be able to manage the tools that allow the manipulation of their compositional, dimensional, proportional and perceptual characteristics.

For this reason, we try to put the student in a position to acquire a secure manual capacity in the use of the simplest and straightforward graphic techniques through the practice of freehand drawing, with attention to the chromatic aspects and the colour representation.

The works must be understood as a series of path arrival points, including classroom and exterior exercises. Students must record all of these experiences, in the form of notes and drawings, on a notebook that must be kept up to date. The student at the end of the class must be able to observe, read, analyze and represent with the appropriate methods and tools the aspects that characterize the specific field of architecture, city and landscape.


RUSKIN, J., Mattinate fiorentine, Mondatori, Milano, 1984;

RUSKIN, J., Le pietre di Venezia, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, Milano, 1987;

VIOLLET LE DUC, E., Histoire d'un dessinateur: comment on apprend a dessiner, Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1978, ed. it. Storia di un disegnatore: come si impara a disegnare , Venezia, Cavallino, 1992.

GIANNI BRAGHIERI, FRANCO RAGGI, FRANCESCO SAVERIO FERA (a cura di), Valentino Parmiani, Paesaggi/Architetture, La Greca Editori, Forlì 2016

MARCELLA MORLACCHI, Il libro del disegno - Nozioni di base per rappresentare l'architettura con la matita con la penna con il colore con il computer, Cangemi Editore

MARIA GRAZIA CIANCI, La rappresentazione del paesaggio - Metodi, strumenti e procedure per l'analisi e la rappresentazione del paesaggio, Alinea Editrice, Firenze 2008

MARIO DOCCI, Teoria e pratica del disegno

MARIO DOCCI, MARCO GAIANI, DIEGO MAESTRI. Scienza del disegno, Città studi Edizioni

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons on the general aspects of "live drawing" accompanied by examples of masters who have used this instrument as a central factor of their practical and theoretical activity; lessons on the operational methodology of "freehand drawing" and therefore from real to do both in the classroom and outside on the places that will be indicated; lessons on drawing for the architectural project. The "facts" studied in the course of the year, in the form of observations and drawings, will be assembled in a sort of individual notebook.

Assessment methods

The assessment will depend on the quality of the work submitted and on an interview on topics addressed in the suggested bibliography; moreover, the final exam is aimed at verifying the achievement of the teaching targets set by the integrated course, which can be demonstrated by students through the submission of the individual works performed during the year and of the "notebook" containing the notes, the surveys and the exercises made in the classroom and outside.

Teaching tools

Students use measuring instruments for building survey and related drawings which will be made in the labs and notebooks with various types of pencils, colors (watercolors in particular) or inks for freehand design, both in classroom and outside.

Office hours

See the website of Carla Tisselli