- Docente: Luca Palmerini
- Credits: 6
- Language: English
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Cesena
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Biomedical Engineering (cod. 9266)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student can: - classify, understand and appropriately use the main types of wearable sensors for biomedical applications; - design experiments, algorithms and applications for ecological and pervasive monitoring of physiological parameters; - address and solve simple sensor fusion problems; - design Mobile Health solutions that meet usability requirements and comply with current legislation; - design and implement simple applications for mobile devices.
Course contents
The topics of the course will cover:
- Introduction to wearable sensors
- Wearable sensors in mobile health and biomedical applications
- Inertial Wearable sensors
- Wearable sensors for position and pressure (GPS, barometer)
- Wearable Sensors for heart rate and stress monitoring (ECG, PPG, EDA)
- Other types of wearable sensors
- Human activity recognition and health monitoring through the use of wearable sensors
- Design of experiments with wearable sensors
- Practical use, experiment, and test of wearable sensors
- What are the sensors inside a common smartphone and how to access them
- Analyses of data recorded through wearable sensors (statistical analyses, machine learning)
- Guidelines and requirements (usability, wearability, normative aspects) for mobile health solutions
- Future developments and applications
- Lecture notes and ppt presentations provided by the lecturer (mandatory)
- For further information and support (not mandatory): Wearable Sensors : Fundamentals, Implementation and Applications, by Edward Sazonov , and Michael R. Neuman, published by Elsevier Science & Technology (ebook access with UNIBO credentials here : https://sol.unibo.it/SebinaOpac/resource/wearable-sensors-fundamentals-implementation-and-applications/UBO5966705)
Teaching methods
The course is divided into lectures and exercises. The lessons, in presence and via Teams online platform according to the most recent Covid-related guidelines, will aim to provide knowledge on wearable sensors and mobile Health. During the exercises, typically carried out at the biomedical engineering laboratory, students will learn and experience how to use wearable sensors, how to record and analyze data from them.
Assessment methods
Learning assessment will consist in an oral exam on the topics presented during the course.
During the oral exam, tools such as calculation aids, slides, notes, codes, etc. will not be allowed.
Optionally, the student can present (approximately one week before the oral exam) a written report on a project carried out independently on the topics of the course (to be agreed with the teacher). In this case the oral exam will start from the discussion of the project.
Teaching tools
IOL Platform
Instrumentation of the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory.
Office hours
See the website of Luca Palmerini
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.