Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Media, Public and Corporate Communication (cod. 5703)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Geography and Territorial Processes (cod. 0971)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student gains specific andfull competence about the interpersonal communication's main analytical methodologies referring both to the verbal features and the multimodal system. The student will developspecific skills to relate with psychological aspectsof social interactioninvarious contexts.

Course contents

The following program is the same for attendant and not-attendant students

During the first part of the course the following topics will be discussed:

- the interpersonal conflict: definition and phenomenology

- conflict analysis in working and professional contexts

- Non Violent perspective in conflict management

- mediation and negotiation

During the second part of the course group practice exercises on negotiation and mediation will be performed


Obligatory texts:

•         Robert J. Edelman (1996- 2005). Conflitti interpersonali nel lavoro. Analizzarli e risolverli senza aggessività o passività, TN: Ed. Erickson 

•         Ike Lasater (2011). Parole che funzionano nel mondo del lavoro, Reggio Emilia: Ed. Esserci

•         Marshall B. Rosenberg (2017). Le parole sono finestre (oppure muri), Reggio Emilia: Ed. Esserci

  • slides and other readings uploaded in Virtuale

One text or more within the following list:

•         Oboth, M., Seils, G. (2012). Mediazione nei gruppi e nelle organizzazioni, Reggio Emilia: Ed. Esserci

•         Charest, G.(2009). Vivere in sociocrazia. Reggio Emilia: Ed. Esserci

•         Kohlrieser G. (2006-2011). La scienza della negoziazione. Sperling & Kupfer

•         Ury, W. (1991-2011). Negoziare in situazioni difficili. BG: Alessio Roberti ed.

•         Rumiati, R., Pietroni, . (2001). La negoziazione, MI: Raffaello Cortina ed.

. Pietroni, D., Rumiati, R. (2012). Il mediatore. BO: Il Mulino

•         Krishnamurti, J. (1994-200). Sul conflitto, Roma: Astrolabio

  • Bombelli, M.C, Serrelli, E. (2021). La cultura del rispetto. Oltre l'inclusione, Milano: Guerini Next
  • Martin, F. (2016). Il potere della gentilezza, MI: Feltrinelli
  • Malaguti, S. (2020). Il digitale gentile. Edizioni Età dell'acquario
  • Fisher, R., Ury, W., Patton, B. (2022). L'arte del negoziato. Corbaccio ed.


Teaching methods

ONLINE lectures, critical discussion and simulated group activities

Assessment methods

The examination consists of an oral discussion focused on the specific contents of the obligatory texts as well as about the contents of the text/s chosen within the list .
The main structure of Non Violent Communication and its application to the job context will be discussed.
Causes and consequences on interpersonal conflict; difficulties with colleagues and clients; harassment and troubles at work and unsolvable conflict will be examined

The oral discussion will take place during specific exam sessions

Teaching tools

PC for ppt, word or audio files use

Office hours

See the website of Roberta Lorenzetti


Decent work and economic growth

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.