- Docente: Eugenio Maggi
- Credits: 3
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
First cycle degree programme (L) in
Foreign Languages and Literature (cod. 0979)
Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Asian Languages, Markets and Cultures (cod. 0980)
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Modern, Post-Colonial and Comparative Literatures (cod. 0981)
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Italian Culture and Language for Foreigners (cod. 0983)
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Language, Society and Communication (cod. 8874)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the seminar (closely related to the objectives of the degree course), students will acquire specific skills and notions in order to deal with linguistic and/or philological and/or literary and/or historical and/or artistic issues and problems.
Course contents
The seminar aims to provide basic tools for understanding the construction mechanisms of a digital text (TEI-XML and HTML formats), knowledge of the systems currently available for writing and creating simple documents based on digital transcripts of literary texts.
It will be given by Beatrice Nava (beatrice.nava2@unibo.it), with whom interested students can get in touch for any kind of information.
The first classes will present the state of the art in the field of digital editions, with particular reference to the field of Digital Scholarly Editions. The concept of digital edition as opposed to digitization will be addressed, focusing on the issues of coding and marking languages, with particular reference to the XML standard and the TEI vocabulary.
Finally, the students will exercise on the coding of literary texts. The general program will be as follows: - Introduction to digital publishing, from text to hypertext, DSE, criticality and potential of digital scientific editions (issues of durability, sustainability, scientificity, evaluation criteria) - The concept of coding, markup languages (HTML, SGML, XML), DTD and XMLschema - The TEI vocabulary and the different possible coding levels.
The course will be divided into a first part of theoretical lessons, followed by practical exercises during which the student will face the XML / TEI marking of short sample texts and, subsequently, the marking of literary texts agreed with the teacher / tutor.
Manuale di riferimento (lettura consigliata per singoli approfondimenti):
F. Tomasi, Metodologie informatiche e discipline umanistiche, Roma, Carocci, 2008
- Introduzione a XML: https://tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/SG.html
- Guidelines TEI: https://tei-c.org/guidelines/p5/
- Tool per la codifica: XML/TEI http://teibyexample.org
Bibliografia per non frequentanti:
1) D. Fiormonte, T. Numerico, F. Tomasi, The digital humanist: a critical inquiry, Brooklyn, puntum books, 2015. (Reperibile online https://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-digital-humanist/ )
- Solo i capitoli: Introduction (pp. 15-21); cap 3: Writing and content production (pp. 97-128); cap. 4: Representing and archiving (pp. 129-168) e Conclusioni: DH in a global perspective (pp. 207-218).
NB. Fatta eccezione per il capitolo finale (Conclusions, DH in a global perspective, pp. 207-218), si può fare riferimento, in alternativa, alla versione italiana del testo: T. Numerico, D. Fiormonte, F. Tomasi, L'umanista digitale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2010. (Introduzione, cap. 2 Scrivere e produrre, cap. 3 Rappresentare e conservare).
2) M.J. Driscoll, E. Pierazzo, (eds), Digital Scholarly Editing: Theories and Practices, OpenBookPublishers, 2016. (reperibile online: https://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/483 )
- solo i contributi: P. Sahle, What is a Scholarly Digital Edition? (pp. 19-39) e Krista Stinne Greve Rasmussen, Reading or Using a Digital Edition? Reader Roles in Scholarly Editions (pp. 119-133).
NOTA: Data la natura anche pratica e laboratoriale del corso, si consiglia la frequenza, almeno delle lezioni teoriche e delle prime esercitazioni. Tutti i materiali saranno in ogni caso disponibili su VIRTUALE per gli studenti non frequentanti (che dovranno considerare le slide delle lezioni parte integrante dei materiali di studio).
Teaching methods
Lezioni in remoto (Teams)
Assessment methods
L’esame consisterà nella verifica orale delle conoscenze teoriche, vertente sui temi trattati durante il corso e sulla descrizione del modello di marcatura adottato per codificare il testo concordato. Lo studente dovrà inoltre consegnare, almeno una settimana prima della data di appello, un file .xml valido e ben formato del testo, che sarà oggetto di discussione in sede d’esame.
Gli studenti non frequentanti potranno preparare l'esame sulla bibliografia di base indicata nel programma e non dovranno produrre alcun file .xml.
Office hours
See the website of Eugenio Maggi