Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Moduli: Marco Trentini (Modulo 1) Alessandra Gigli (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Educator in Childhood Social Services (cod. 9083)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student: - has acquired knowledge of welfare policies aimed at families and the transformations that have occurred in family policies and models; - has mastered basic notions of the labour market and its evolution over time; - recognises the different forms through which social exclusion and discrimination of individuals and families manifests itself in the relationship with institutions and services; - understands family phenomena with a view to overcoming the paradigm of normality/deviance and in the light of respect for the complexity and polymorphism that distinguishes families today; - it knows the peculiarities of contemporary families considering the historical, sociological, economic, demographic and demographic variables; - it identifies new needs and new questions that arise in contemporary family contexts, to rethink the educational, theoretical and methodological coordinates that best support the parental task; - it defines good practices to support parents' skills in the education of their children; - it knows the main models of educational services-family relationships as well as the reciprocal representations, influences, actions and conflicts, etc. - it is able to develop strategies to establish a cooperative relationship between educators and parents (educational alliance) and reduce the risk of social exclusion.

Course contents

In module 1 the following topics will be addressed:

- how the needs and goals of childcare change as a result of social changes affecting the family and the labour market;

- childcare policies, focusing on the characteristics of childcare services;

- educational poverty, inequalities, and the risk of social exclusion from childhood.

Module 2 is focused on the purpose of introducing an adequate knowledge of contemporary family phenomena and to set up a cooperative relationship with families in educational services. One part of the course concerns the analysis of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children, families and educational services.

In particular at the end of the course the student:

- reads the family phenomena to overcome the paradigm of normality/deviance and in the light of the complexity and polymorphism that distinguishes today's families;

- knows the peculiarities of contemporary families considering the historical, sociological, economic, demographic variables;

- identifies new needs and new questions that arise in contemporary family contexts, to rethink the educational, theoretical and methodological coordinates that best support the parenting task;- knows the main models of educational services-family relationships;

- it hypothesizes strategies to establish a cooperative relationship between educators and parents.


For all (attending and not).

Module 1

Sabatinelli, S., (2016), Politiche per crescere. La prima infanzia tra cura e investimento sociale, il Mulino, Bologna

Save the Children, (2019), Il miglior inizio. Disuguaglianze e opportunità nei primi anni di vita, Save the Children. Downloadable free here: https://www.savethechildren.it/cosa-facciamo/pubblicazioni/rapporto-il-miglior-inizio-disuguaglianze-e-opportunita-nei-primi-anni-di-vita


Module 2

Gigli A. (2021), (a cura di). OLTRE L’EMERGENZA: sguardi pedagogici su infanzia, famiglie, servizi educativi e scolastici nel Covid-19., Edizioni Junior, Bergamo. No chapter 2, 5, 7, 11, 12. Available in bookshops from mid-March 2021 or can be ordered at this link http://www.edizionijunior.com/schedalibro.asp?ID=5232&fbclid=IwAR02AXPRIhevk5OAW4uarD0YvUoGTeIgr4QxalpSctORfLpz63-na1I-o4c

Gigli A., (2007), Quale pedagogia per le famiglie contemporanee?, Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare, n. 2 - 2007, pp. 7-17 (downloadable from https://virtuale.unibo.it/course/view.php?id=15790 Modulo 2 Pedagogia delle famiglie)

Gigli A., Maestra, ma Sara ha due mamme?, «BAMBINI», 2013, n.3 anno XXIX, pp. 21 - 24 (downloadable from https://virtuale.unibo.it/course/view.php?id=15790 Modulo 2 Pedagogia delle famiglie)

Teaching methods


In module 2 the presentation of the contents through lectures will be accompanied by film and video visions, in-depth readings, and meetings with experts.

Assessment methods

The exam is a single written test (module 1 and module 2) with 31 questions (multiple-choice, true/false answer) to be completed within 35 minutes from the beginning of the test. The final grade will be given by the number of correct answers (all 31 correct answers equal to 30 cum laude; 18 correct answers equals 18). Missed answers equal wrong answers (0 points).

Students in the classroom (presence mode) must have a smartphone (or a tablet or a notebook) available to take the test on the online exam platform (https://eol.unibo.it/). If you do not have one of the devices, please write to the professors before the exam.

The quiz questions will appear one at a time and you will not be able to go back and correct them. Once the quiz is finished, the student can still review (but not correct) the quiz before handing it in for good.

To take the exam, students will have to register in Alma Esami. https://almaesami.unibo.it/almaesami/welcome.htm Please note that for written exam registration is closed one week before the date of the exam.

The result of the exam will be visible in Alma Esami within a few days since the end of the exam.


Please note that once the deadline for acceptance and/or refusal has passed, the teacher will record the grades (tacit acceptance procedure).

Attendants and non-attendants students

The course program and examination procedures are the same for both attendants and non-attendants students.

For Erasmus students

The program of the course and the examination methods are the same as for other students (good knowledge of Italian language is required).

For SLD students

SLD students are invited to contact the office in charge and have their tutors write to the teachers, according to the usual procedures to agree on the modalities of the exam (additional time and/or choice of the oral exam).

Teaching tools


Office hours

See the website of Marco Trentini

See the website of Alessandra Gigli


Quality education Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.