91353 - Speech and Language Therapy in Swallowing Disorders in Children

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Speech and Language Therapy (cod. 9080)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student knows the characteristics of pedophagy and dysphagia in the pediatric age and is able to plan their speech therapy management. He also knows the classification and methods of taking charge of deviated swallowing and orofacial muscle imbalance

Course contents

Anatomo-physiology of swallowing: organs involved, functions, and physiology of swallowing.

Anatomical differences between adult and child Causes of Pediatric

Dysphagia Clinical evaluation of dysphagia: oromotor skills, meal observation Instrumental evaluation

Treatment of pediatric dysphagia

The premature newborn: characteristics, feeding problems, management in Neonatal Intensive Care

The feeding disorders: classification and treatment

Eating disorders in children diagnosed with the autism spectrum

Evaluation and treatment of orofacial imbalance.


"Deglutologia" O. Schindler

"Logopedia e Disfagia " S. Raimondi e al.

"La valutazione delle abilità di alimentazione nella disfagia infantile" A. Cerchiari

"Manuale operativo di fisio patologia della deglutizione" O. Schindler


"La selettività nel disturbo dello spettro autistico" L. Mazzone

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons


Clinical cases

Assessment methods

Clinical case presentation: evaluation and treatment


Teaching tools


Clinical case videos


Office hours

See the website of Beatrice Feletti