91337 - Speech and Language Therapy in Learning Disorders

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Docente: Elisa Filanti
  • Credits: 2
  • SSD: MED/50
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Speech and Language Therapy (cod. 9080)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will acquire the necessary knowledge to assess learning disorder during the developmental age. Understand the instruments and procedures required. Notice the differences between the finality of the tests’ procedures and their adequacy in relation to specific cases. Additionally, the student will be able to underline the importance and the necessity of taking into consideration the specificity of each case, by creating an emphatic welcoming situation.

Course contents

Definition and classification criteria of learning disabilities

Neuropsychology of learning disabilities

Reading disability, dyslexia: speech therapeutic assessment and rehabilitation

Writing disability, dysorthography/dysgraphia: speech therapeutic assessment and rehabilitation

Math learning disability, dyscalculia: speech therapeutic assessment and rehabilitation

Non-verbal (visuospatial) learning disability

Text comprehension disability

Problem solving disability

Relationship between specific language impairment and learning disability

From Consensus Conference towards guiding lines on learning disabilities

Law 170/2010 “New norms regarding specific learning disabilities in scholastic environment”


VIO, Claudio; TRESSOLDI, Patrizio E.; PRESTI, Gianluca Lo. Diagnosi dei disturbi specifici dell'apprendimento scolastico. Edizioni Erickson, 2012.

TRESSOLDI, Patrizio E.; VIO, Claudio. Il trattamento dei disturbi specifici dell'apprendimento scolastico. Edizioni Erickson, 2012.

LEGGE 8 ottobre 2010, n. 170 Nuove norme in materia di disturbi specifici di apprendimento in ambito scolastico. (10G0192) (GU Serie Generale n.244 del 18-10-2010)

Consensus Conference 2010 Disturbi specifici dell'apprendimento

Raccomandazioni Cliniche sui DSA - “DSA Documento d’intesa, PARCC, 2011"

Teaching methods


Real case simulations through tests and corrections

Seminar discussion on clinical studies

Assessment methods

Oral exam

Teaching tools

Power Point


Office hours

See the website of Elisa Filanti