77978 - Sustainable Business and Green Economy

Academic Year 2021/2022

Learning outcomes

The student has an in-depth knowledge of the various problems that arise in the processes of planning, management, organization and execution of business strategies. He is able to demonstrate adequate knowledge of the economic-institutional mechanisms underlying the birth of businesses, and to identify, even in the face of concrete cases, the main factors that lead to the choice of certain organizational structures, strategies and management choices. On these issues he is also able to independently set up a research correctly using different bibliographic sources and statistics.

Course contents

The course presents educational-training objectives related to each other, aimed at transmitting skills for business strategy and management. To this end, some crucial steps of business economics will be examined, aimed at:
- present and investigate issues and contents related to the strategy and the theoretical and methodological perspectives of decision-making processes aimed at developing organizational excellence, innovative business, effective relationships with stakeholders;
- understand and interpret the characteristic elements and problems relating to the management of business systems and processes, also in relation to the creation of new businesses in the professional sector;
- define a set of tools for analyzing and evaluating the company, its competitive context, and the control of results and management performance;
- provide concepts and tools to understand the processes and mechanisms through which the company creates value;
- understand the problems relating to the creation of new enterprises and businesses with particular attention to the sectors of professional work, legal consultancy, green economy, social economy.
Participants will acquire knowledge on the design, planning and management methodologies of the business process that lead to conceive, integrate, and modify the organizational structure in competitive and innovative companies.
The student will thus be able to identify the main factors that lead to certain market choices based on the integration between business strategies and management choices (budgets / budgets / Business plans).
The crucial aspects of the strategic analysis with reference to corporate structures and processes will be highlighted. The themes that will be developed will be the following:
- the concept of value in the many possible interpretations: economic and market, social, territorial;
- the business model of a company in its various components: business idea, technologies and organization, products and markets, business areas, competition analysis, globalization;
- competitive processes and leadership: economies of scale and optimal sizing, use of resources, strategic knowledge and innovation resources, communication and the brand, competitive advantage and analysis;
- growth and development strategies based on product optimization and the ability to grasp the market potential of a new or existing product / service.
The part of the course focused on business management will address the main business activities and areas through the analysis of key concepts relating to:
- organizational choices
-management processes
- economic and financial management
-management and human resources
- marketing and promotion.
The study of concrete business cases will offer important opportunities to understand the logics that govern the organizational structures and the production choices of a company and its development. Project works are also planned, which will provide an opportunity to concretely experiment with logics, methods, managerial approaches in different business contexts. During the project work, documents and business plans will be produced as a result of the methodologies learned, with the aim of outlining the path to create new businesses and innovative products / services.


The preparation of the following texts is required for the final exam:

Business strategy:

- U. Bertelé, Strategia, EGEA, Milano, 2016.

Business management:

- A. Tunisini, T. Pencarelli, L. Ferrucci, Economia e management delle imprese, Hoepli, Milano, 2020 (le parti verranno indicate a lezione).

A text chosen from the following:

- R. Grant, L'analisi strategica per le decisioni aziendali, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2016.

- R. Cafferata, Management in adattamento, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2018.

- M. Caroli, Economia e gestione sostenibile delle imprese, McGraw Hill, Milano, 2021.

- R. F. Freedman, G. Rusconi, M. Dorigatti, Teoria degli stakeholder, Angeli, Milano, 2007.

- J.R. Bessant, J. Tidd, Imprenditorialità, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2020.

- L. Solima, Management per l'impresa culturale, Carocci, Roma, 2018.

- A. E. Roth, Matchmaking, Einaudi, Torino, 2017.

- R. H. Thaler, Misbehaving. La nascita dell'economia comportamentale, Einaudi, Torino, 2018.

- W. D. Nordhaus, Spirito Green, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2022.

- M. A. Shilling, F. Izzo, Gestione dell'innovazione, McGraw Hill, 2022.

Teaching methods

The course will aim to integrate the theoretical and methodological part and the empirical part very closely. Frontal teaching lessons will be enriched by studies and discussions of business cases, group presentations, project work.

Assessment methods

The objective of the exam is to verify the level of achievement of the previously indicated educational objectives and learning outcomes. The purpose of the exam is at the same time to verify the ability to use the topics covered during the course for research and analysis in the business environment and the ability to apply the concepts to a specific case of a design and empirical nature.
The attitude for teamwork, critical confrontation and discussion are very relevant elements for the course.

Teaching tools

Video projector, PC, collective and individual reviews, online platforms.

Office hours

See the website of Marino Cavallo


Industry, innovation and infrastructure Reduced inequalities Responsible consumption and production Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.