- Docente: Davide Bertaccini
- Credits: 7
- SSD: IUS/17
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 9232)
Learning outcomes
This course aims to encourage the acquisition of the main coordinates of punitive system, the main regulatory profiles of penitentiary diversion, as well as the descriptive and interpretative dimensions of contemporary punishment.
The course promotes a multidisciplinary reflection, which combines legal studies with philosophical, political, sociological and criminological approaches.
Course contents
For UNIBO STUDENTS ATTENDING LESSONS is provided the following program, regardless the year of course enrollment or frequency.
Punitive system
– Punishment in the abstract and punishment in concrete; system of punishment and disintegration of the penalty system; anticipated penalty and discretionary power; ideological certainty and structural reasons for the sentence
– Theory and practice of punishment; ideological purposes and real functions of punishment; the utilitarian purposes of the penalty; the conception of the penalty in the constitutional perspective; impact of the re-educational purpose on the penal system; crisis of the correctional model of criminal justice; technocratic penology; reductionism and criminal abolitionism; ineffectiveness and pedagogical function of the punitive law
– Flexible penalty; criminal execution and unequal law; objective and subjective dimensions of detention
Penitentiary system
– Sources of the penitentiary system; subjects of the penitentiary execution
– Penitentiary reform; instability and stratification of the legislative discipline; correctional philosophy, treatment differentiation, deflationary logic; emergency approach
– Treatment and re-education; evolution of the prison government; treatment modalities; treatment regimes; elements of the treatment; penitentiary work
– Penitentiary probation; house detention; partial detention; permissions; derogatory situations; executive events; early release; postponement of the execution of the sentence; parole release
- Family condition; health condition; penitentiary security; criminal security
For ERASMUS STUDENTS ATTENDING LESSONS is provided the following program, regardless the year of course enrollment or frequency.
Punitive system
– Punishment in the abstract and punishment in concrete; system of punishment and disintegration of the penalty system; anticipated penalty and discretionary power; ideological certainty and structural reasons for the sentence
– Theory and practice of punishment; ideological purposes and real functions of punishment; the utilitarian purposes of the penalty; the conception of the penalty in the constitutional perspective; impact of the re-educational purpose on the penal system; crisis of the correctional model of criminal justice; technocratic penology; reductionism and criminal abolitionism; ineffectiveness and pedagogical function of the punitive law
– Flexible penalty; criminal execution and unequal law; objective and subjective dimensions of detention
Penitentiary system
– Sources of the penitentiary system; subjects of the penitentiary execution
– Penitentiary reform; instability and stratification of the legislative discipline; correctional philosophy, treatment differentiation, deflationary logic; emergency approach
– Treatment and re-education; evolution of the prison government; treatment modalities; treatment regimes; elements of the treatment; penitentiary work
Thematic study
A) History of prison
B) Rules and experiences of life imprisonment and special detentions
C) Prisoners ombudsman
D) Ethnographic studies on prison life
E) Social construction of contemporary penalty
F) Restorative justice
For UNIBO STUDENTS NOT ATTENDING LESSONS The following program is provided f, regardless the year of course enrollment.
Punitive system
– Punishment in the abstract and punishment in concrete; system of punishment and disintegration of the penalty system; anticipated penalty and discretionary power; ideological certainty and structural reasons for the sentence
– Theory and practice of punishment; ideological purposes and real functions of punishment; the utilitarian purposes of the penalty; the conception of the penalty in the constitutional perspective; impact of the re-educational purpose on the penal system; crisis of the correctional model of criminal justice; technocratic penology; reductionism and criminal abolitionism; ineffectiveness and pedagogical function of the punitive law
– Flexible penalty; criminal execution and unequal law; objective and subjective dimensions of detention
Penitentiary system
– Sources of the penitentiary system; subjects of the penitentiary execution
– Penitentiary reform; instability and stratification of the legislative discipline; correctional philosophy, treatment differentiation, deflationary logic; emergency approach
– Treatment and re-education; evolution of the prison government; treatment modalities; treatment regimes; elements of the treatment; penitentiary work
– Penitentiary probation; house detention; partial detention; permissions; derogatory situations; executive events; early release; postponement of the execution of the sentence; parole release
- Family condition; health condition; penitentiary security; criminal security
Thematic study
A) History of prison
B) Rules and experiences of life imprisonment and special detentions
C) Prisoners ombudsman
D) Ethnographic studies on prison life
E) Social construction of contemporary penalty
F) Restorative justice
For ERASMUS STUDENTS NOT ATTENDING LESSONS is provided the following program, regardless the year of course enrollment.
Punitive system
– Punishment in the abstract and punishment in concrete; system of punishment and disintegration of the penalty system; anticipated penalty and discretionary power; ideological certainty and structural reasons for the sentence
– Theory and practice of punishment; ideological purposes and real functions of punishment; the utilitarian purposes of the penalty; the conception of the penalty in the constitutional perspective; impact of the re-educational purpose on the penal system; crisis of the correctional model of criminal justice; technocratic penology; reductionism and criminal abolitionism; ineffectiveness and pedagogical function of the punitive law
– Flexible penalty; criminal execution and unequal law; objective and subjective dimensions of detention
Penitentiary system
– Sources of the penitentiary system; subjects of the penitentiary execution
– Penitentiary reform; instability and stratification of the legislative discipline; correctional philosophy, treatment differentiation, deflationary logic; emergency approach
– Treatment and re-education; evolution of the prison government; treatment modalities; treatment regimes; elements of the treatment; penitentiary work
Thematic study
A) History of prison
B) Rules and experiences of life imprisonment and special detentions
C) Prisoners ombudsman
D) Ethnographic studies on prison life
E) Social construction of contemporary penalty
F) Restorative justice
For UNIBO STUDENTS ATTENDING LESSONS is provided the following program, regardless the year of course enrollment or frequency.
Punitive and penitentiary system
Davide Bertaccini, Fondamenti di critica della pena e del penitenziario, II edition, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2021, the entire volume (317 pages).
It is emphasized that it is necessary that the legal institutes in particular foreseen by the second part of the examination program are studied in constant reference to the current legislation (it can be downloaded from normattiva.it).
For ERASMUS STUDENTS ATTENDING LESSONS is provided the following program, regardless the year of enrollment or of exam frequency.
Punitive and penitentiary system
Davide Bertaccini, Fondamenti di critica della pena e del penitenziario, II edition, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2021, pages 1-142 only.
Thematic study
One volume is to be chosen among the works indicated below, grouped with reference to the topics previously illustrated.
A) Dario Melossi e Massimo Pavarini, Carcere e fabbrica – Alle origini del sistema penitenziario, IV edition, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2018, 334 pages.
B) Elvio Fassone, Fine pena: ora, Sellerio, Palermo, 2015, 216 pages; or Elton Kalica, La pena di morte viva – Ergastolo, 41 bis e diritto penale del nemico, Meltemi, Milano, 2019, 189 pages.
C) Desi Bruno e Davide Bertaccini, I garanti (dalla parte) dei detenuti – Le istituzioni di garanzia per i privati di libertà tra riflessione internazionale ed esperienza italiana, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2018, 156 pages.
D) Farsi la galera – Spazi e culture del penitenziario, a cura di Elton Kalica e Simone Santorso, Ombre Corte, Verona, 2018, 212 pages; or William Frediani, Un universo di acciaio e cemento – Vita quotidiana nell’istituzione totale carceraria, Sensibili alle foglie, Roma, 2018, 207 pages.
E) Massimo Pavarini, Governare la penalità – Struttura sociale, processi decisionali e discorsi pubblici sulla pena, numero tematico di ius17@unibo.it, Bononia University Press, Bologna, anno VI, numero 3, settembre-dicembre 2013, 162 pages.
F) Gherardo Colombo, Il perdono responsabile – Perché il carcere non serve a nulla, Ponte alle Grazie, Milano, 2011, 132 pages.
These are works that expand and deepen the topics covered in different parts of the examination program, through the use of different knowledge, materials and styles. In order to encourage a conscious personalization of the course of study, it is advisable to carefully consult all the volumes indicated (available in the library or bookshop), before deciding on which to prepare for the exam.
For UNIBO STUDENTS NOT ATTENDING LESSONS is provided the following program, regardless the year of course enrollment.
Punitive and penitentiary system
Davide Bertaccini, Fondamenti di critica della pena e del penitenziario, II edition, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2021, the entire volume (317 pages).
It is emphasized that it is necessary that the legal institutes in particular foreseen by the second part of the examination program are studied in constant reference to the current legislation (it can be downloaded from normattiva.it).
Thematic study
One volume is to be chosen among the works indicated below, grouped with reference to the topics previously illustrated.
A) Dario Melossi e Massimo Pavarini, Carcere e fabbrica – Alle origini del sistema penitenziario, IV edition, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2018, 334 pages.
B) Elvio Fassone, Fine pena: ora, Sellerio, Palermo, 2015, 216 pages, or Elton Kalica, La pena di morte viva – Ergastolo, 41 bis e diritto penale del nemico, Meltemi, Milano, 2019, 189 pages.
C) Desi Bruno e Davide Bertaccini, I garanti (dalla parte) dei detenuti – Le istituzioni di garanzia per i privati di libertà tra riflessione internazionale ed esperienza italiana, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2018, 156 pages.
D) Farsi la galera – Spazi e culture del penitenziario, a cura di Elton Kalica e Simone Santorso, Ombre Corte, Verona, 2018, 212 pages; or William Frediani, Un universo di acciaio e cemento – Vita quotidiana nell’istituzione totale carceraria, Sensibili alle foglie, Roma, 2018, 207 pages.
E) Massimo Pavarini, Governare la penalità – Struttura sociale, processi decisionali e discorsi pubblici sulla pena, numero tematico di ius17@unibo.it, Bononia University Press, Bologna, anno VI, numero 3, settembre-dicembre 2013, 162 pages.
F) Gherardo Colombo, Il perdono responsabile – Perché il carcere non serve a nulla, Ponte alle Grazie, Milano, 2011, 132 pages.
These are works that expand and deepen the topics covered in different parts of the examination program, through the use of different knowledge, materials and styles. In order to encourage a conscious personalization of the course of study, it is advisable to carefully consult all the volumes indicated (available in the library or bookshop), before deciding which reading to dedicate to.
For ERASMUS STUDENTS NON ATTENDING LESSONS is provided the following program, regardless of the year of enrollment or course frequency.
Punitive and penitentiary system
Davide Bertaccini, Fondamenti di critica della pena e del penitenziario, II edition, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2021, pages 1-142 only.
Thematic study
Two volumes are to be chosen among the works indicated below, grouped with reference to the topics previously illustrated.
A) Dario Melossi e Massimo Pavarini, Carcere e fabbrica – Alle origini del sistema penitenziario, IV edition, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2018, 334 pages.
B) Elvio Fassone, Fine pena: ora, Sellerio, Palermo, 2015, 216 pages; or Elton Kalica, La pena di morte viva – Ergastolo, 41 bis e diritto penale del nemico, Meltemi, Milano, 2019, 189 pages.
C) Desi Bruno e Davide Bertaccini, I garanti (dalla parte) dei detenuti – Le istituzioni di garanzia per i privati di libertà tra riflessione internazionale ed esperienza italiana, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2018, 156 pages.
D) Farsi la galera – Spazi e culture del penitenziario, a cura di Elton Kalica e Simone Santorso, Ombre Corte, Verona, 2018, 212 pages; or William Frediani, Un universo di acciaio e cemento – Vita quotidiana nell’istituzione totale carceraria, Sensibili alle foglie, Roma, 2018, 207 pages.
E) Massimo Pavarini, Governare la penalità – Struttura sociale, processi decisionali e discorsi pubblici sulla pena, numero tematico di ius17@unibo.it, Bononia University Press, Bologna, anno VI, numero 3, settembre-dicembre 2013, 162 pages.
F) Gherardo Colombo, Il perdono responsabile – Perché il carcere non serve a nulla, Ponte alle Grazie, Milano, 2011, 132 pages.
These are works that expand and deepen the topics covered in different parts of the examination program, through the use of different knowledge, materials and styles. In order to encourage a conscious personalization of the course of study, it is advisable to carefully consult all the volumes indicated (available in the library or bookshop), before deciding on which to prepare for the exam.
Teaching methods
The whole course is held by the professor.
A first part, dedicated to the punitive system, takes place with frontal lessons; a second part, intended for the penitentiary system, is characterized by seminar exercises, i.e. exposition of topics prepared in small groups of students according to the indications shared in the classroom; finally, a third part takes place in direct confrontation with the penitentiary experience, through participation in a public hearing (at the Penitentiary Court of Bologna), meeting with the operators and confined people (of a penitentiary institution of the region territory) and interviews with different professionals (magistrate, lawyer, social worker, foreign researcher).
Assessment methods
The exam takes place in oral form, with a discussion on the contents of the program, which can be obtained from the didactic activities attended and/or from the texts of studied bibliography.
All students are entitled to introduce in advance a topic of their choice in the course contents, with the exception of those attending students who have prepared a seminar activity in group, which is considered an elective part of the exam.
The criteria for determining the final judgment are as follows:
- educational gaps, faulty connections, inappropriate expressions in the context of the topics provided will result in a negative evaluation;
- superficial or mnemonic preparation of the topics dealt with, analytical and synthetic capacity not always autonomous or adequate, linguistic and conceptual expression just sufficient → 18-21;
- articulated preparation of the topics covered, minimal but present analytical and synthetic skills, at least discrete linguistic and conceptual expression → 21-24;
- extensive preparation of the topics developed, autonomous capacity for analysis and synthesis, good command and customization of the language and categories → 24-27;
- exhaustive preparation of the topics covered, critical ability to analyze and synthesize, full command and personalization of the language and categories → 28-30;
- excellent preparation of the topics discussed, original ability to analyze and synthesize, extraordinary mastery and personalization of the language and categories → laude.
Office hours
See the website of Davide Bertaccini
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