84298 - Semeiotics of the Abdomen

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 9210)

Learning outcomes

Describe the basic elements of the physical examination and instrument-assisted evaluation, and recognize normal results.

Course contents

Introduction on history taking.

How to set the appropriate enviroment for history taking, how to conduct the interview.

General approach to physical exam

Proper adjustment of patient attire during physical examination

Abdominal exam

  • Inspection and palpation
  • Percussion, Auscultation
  • Abnormal adbominal sounds

Ultrasound anatomy (with live or prerecorded demonstrations, depending on the rules set in connection the COVID pandemic) of the abdominal cavity to the aim of correlating symptoms with organs of origin.

Semiology of basic ultrasound of the abdomen

Pharinx and oral cavity

Extraabdominal irradiating symptoms of abdominal diseases

Physical examination of the groin


Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking 12th Edition (available either as printed copy or as ebook format)

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons

Live or Prerecorded (pending the technical possibilities) demonstration of ultrasound of the abdomen and neck to improve the knowledge about correlations between organs and topography of the symptoms

Assessment methods

Oral examinations either in class or, if the COVID situation necessitates, from remote.

Final marks will be up to 30 cum laude for this part of the Exam, but the results of this test will contribute only as a part to the final exam.

The exam of the integrated course consists in fact of 4 tests:

1 about Biochemistry

1 about Semeiotics

1 about Anatomy

1 about Physiology.

Given the integrated nature of this course, students must take all the tests in the same period (usually the tests’ dates of the four parts are all within 10 days).

If the student passes only one or two tests, all the 4 tests must be repeated on the next occasions.

If a student passes only three tests out of the four, the unsuccessful test can be repeated alone under 2 conditions:

1) the weighted mean mark of the other three tests is equal or higher than 24. If the weighted mean is lower than 24, also all the other three tests must be repeated.

2) the unsuccessful test can be repeated only in the next available exam date. If the student will not pass that test again, all the four tests must be repeated.


Teaching tools

Slides will be avaialble. 

Ultrasound live demonstrations during the frontal lessons

Office hours

See the website of Fabio Piscaglia