78365 - Web Communication

Academic Year 2021/2022

Learning outcomes

The course is aimed to transfer knowledge and techniques required to be able to define, manage and verify tourism business activity on the web in order to achieve a proper communication strategy and online promotion. To that end the course will focus on the performance and use of the main platforms of online communication and will treat about editing, social media, corporate website, brand reputation and everything to do with web communication, with practical examples and best practices. At the end of course students will be able to organize the content of web sites and portals, manage brand reputation and soical media accounts, track and share information about online traffic.

Course contents

Introduction to Hospitality Marketing

Digital Marketing for tourism

Social Media Communication: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok

Social Media Advertising Marketing

Content Marketing and Marketing Strategies in the Tourism Industry

Copywriting for hotel and destination websites


Google Advertising

Email Marketing: newsletter, DEM, mailing

Brand Reputation Management

Introduction to Online Distribution

Tools & strategies to capture, engage and convert into data analytics


Guido Di Fraia. 2015. Social Media Marketing: Strategie e tecniche per aziende B2B e B2C. Ulrico Hoepli Editore, Milano, pp. 342


Donald Miller. 2017. Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen (English Edition), HarperCollins Leadership, WV, pp. 240

Addition book suggested

Seth Godin. 2018. This is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn To See, Penguin, New York, pp. 271

Teaching methods

The essential elements will be presented to understand what tools are part of web communication for the corporate business, as well as the fundamental importance of the most famous social media related to many companies, personal brands and important brands linked to the Tourism Industry

Many history cases and success stories will be presented through slides and videos on YouTube, Vimeo and others

Assessment methods

Each student must prepare a written work in English, or in agreement with the teacher also in Italian, and it has to be in 20/30 pages about some topics of the course and it has to be agreed with the teacher. The work must be delivered at least one week before the oral exam session scheduled. This written work might be performed by single student or at least 2 students

The work has to be presented in 10 minutes through power points, infographics, www.prezi.com, www.canva.com, or other online tools that the student can pick on his own. Further information on the type of written work can be found in the virtual classroom of the course ‎

Teaching tools

During the class teacher will present any topics by PowerPoint presentations, canva.com presentations and precious.com presentations. These presentations in pdf file will then be uploaded to the virtual classroom of the course named "Virtual Learning Environment"

Office hours

See the website of Giorgio Cappello