Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Pedagogy - Science of education (cod. 9206)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student knows:

the basics of the  phenomenological paradigm and its application to the field of education;

The theoretical approaches to the Stranger conceived as a sociological category.

The themes related the (social) construction of (social) reality.

The insiderism vs outsiderism debate

She /he will be able to:

1. Identify the ideological dimension of scientific knowledge and  educational practices  

2. Understand and analyze  ordinary as well as institutional communication with a particular focus on:

The communicative construction of social identities

The communicative construction of the cases as problematic  or non problematic cases 




Course contents

The course is in 4 parts:

Phenomenology of education: a theoretical framework for thinking and acting in high complex sociocultural contexts;

The Foreigner as an analyser  of the community's everyday knowledge and commonsensical  assumptions and implicit moral orders.

The construction of social realities: the communicative constitution of social identities;

Language, interaction and culture: the case of interethnic communication; the case of social conflicts and forms of mediation.


The mandatory readings are: 

L. Caronia, Fenomenologia dell'educazione. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2011.


L. Caronia, S. Besoli (a cura di). Il senso della realtà. L'orizzonte delle fenomenologia nello studio del mondo sociale.

SOLTANTO quattro capitoli: Cap. 1 (L. Caronia), Cap. 2 (Vincenzo Costa), Cap. 3 (Jason Throop) e 9 (Maurizio Fabbri)

F. Orletti, La conversazione diseguale. Potere e interazione. Roma, Carocci, 2000

Special  Issue of Salute e Società, 1, 2013

 F. Scaparro (ed. by ), Il coraggio di mediare, Milano, Guerini, 2001. Only chapters  N. 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11 e 12

 F. Zannoni, La città divisa. Conflittualità, confini, prove di comunità,Franco Angeli, Milano, 2015.

Teaching methods

The contents of the section "Pedagogy, cultural differences, confocts and mediation" are mainly provided through: Lectures, discussions, classroom collective works; video presentation and analysis.

Assessment methods

During pandemic and at least until February 2022

Written essay 


Test when we will come back to face to face exams for all.

To obtain the lowest grades (i.e. 18 or19) and pass the exam, the student should respond correctly to 55% of the items .

To obtain a low grade (20 - 23)  the rate of correct answer should be comprised in the range from 62. % to 68. %

To obtain a medium grade (>24, < = 26) the rate of correct answer should be comprised in the range from 75. % to 81. %

To obtain a high grade (>27, < = 30) the rate of correct answer should be comprised in the range from 87. % to 93 %

to obtain the highest grade (30 cum laude) the rate of correct answer should be 100%

Teaching tools

Power point presentations (they are temporary tools for the lesson, they are not available for nor provided to to the students )

Video analysis

Seminars by experts


Office hours

See the website of Letizia Caronia


Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.