- Docente: Gianluigi Pilu
- Credits: 2
- SSD: MED/40
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Midwifery (cod. 9201)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the learning module the student will understand: the process of labor and parturition; the methodology and technology for the diagnosis and management of normal and abnormal labor; the evaluation of fetal well-being; the pathopshyology of puperperium
Course contents
Principles of biostatistics. Maternal, perinatal and infantile mortality in a global context. Pregnancy dating. The different stages of labor: latent phase, first, second and third stage of labor. Post-partum and puerperium. The complications of labor: malpositions, malpresentations, obstructed and prolonged labor, fetal distress, perineal dysfunction. Diagnosis and management of normal and abnormal labor, and fetal well-being evaluation. Operative deliveries. Induction of labor
Lectures published on line.
Spandrio R, Regalia A, Bestetti G: Fisiologia della Nascita. Dai prodromi al post-partum. Carocci Faber, Roma, 2014
Teaching methods
Oral presentations with slides and videos; simulations
Assessment methods
Written exam: multiple choices questions and discussion of one topic
Teaching tools
Slides, videos and other material on the University web-site
Office hours
See the website of Gianluigi Pilu
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.