74785 - History and institutions of The Middle East Countries

Academic Year 2021/2022

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student knows the historical development of the islamic countries

Course contents

The course will focus on the historical, political and ideological development of Middle East in the XX century with the modern nation-building processes with special regard to Turkey, Iran and Arabic speaking countries. In this perspective, attention will be payed to the different faces of modernization policies in Ottoman and Persian context, to nation building in the area, the development of the political and ideological movements during the Cold War, the rise of political Islam, the recent revolts and the conflicts which contributed to re-shape the area. 


Attending students (more than 75% of the classes)

-William Cleveland, Martin Bunton. 2018. A History of the Modern Middle East. Boulder: Routledge.

-6 scientific articles made available on the Virtuale platform by the teacher

Although it is strongly discouraged, students who cannot participate to the classes can take the exam studying the following books:

-Cleveland, William e Martin Bunton, Storia del Medio Oriente Moderno, Mondadori Education, 2021

-Emiliani, Marcella. Purgatorio arabo: il tradimento delle rivoluzioni in Medio Oriente. Laterza, Roma-Bari 2020.

Erasmus and non-native Italian speakers can contact the teacher in order to arrange an alternative to the second book


Teaching methods

Lectures and seminars.

Assessment methods

Oral exam

Teaching tools

Texts, slides and audiovisual aids

Office hours

See the website of Fulvio Bertuccelli