- Docente: Paolo Bellavista
- Credits: 4
- Language: English
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Computer Engineering (cod. 0937)
Learning outcomes
The project work is assigned on an individual base, with a negotiation with the student to identify a field at the state of the art within the large area of efficient (e.g., battery-efficient) mobile middleware and mobile applications. At the end of the project, the students have acquired a deep knowledge of the selected field and also effective capabilities of fully understanding the related global solution strategies. They have to apply the notions and skills acquired in the related lectures toward the design, prototyping, testing, and performance evaluation of a typically limited solution exemplifying the selected field and exploiting specific significant enabling technologies.
Course contents
See the syllabus and topic coverage of the course "Mobile Systems M" on the Web site that will be populated during the lecturing period:
As a reference to the previous academic year, please consider also the material already available at:
See the suggested readings and the additional material for the "Mobile Systems M" course on the Web site that will be populated during the lecturing period:
As a reference to the previous academic year, please consider also the material already available at:
Teaching methods
See the methodologies and learning modes indicated for the "Mobile Systems M" course on the Web site that will be populated during the lecturing period:
As a reference to the previous academic year, please consider also the material already available at:
Assessment methods
Via the realization (project design + implementation + documentation including measured performance results) of the assigned project activity and associated delivery of code and documentation.
Code + documentation have to be provided to the teacher at least 5 days before the final evaluation, which will be made via an oral discussion, with in-depth questions about the developed project and code, and about the related course topics.
Teaching tools
See the tools, the programming environments, the support mechanisms, technologies, and protocols described for the "Mobile Systems M" course on the Web site that will be populated during the lecturing period:
As a reference to the previous academic year, please consider also the material already available at:
Links to further information
Office hours
See the website of Paolo Bellavista
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.