- Docente: Maria Eva Giorgioni
- Credits: 6
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Maria Eva Giorgioni (Modulo Mod 1) Cesare Accinelli (Modulo Mod 2) Maria Grazia Bellardi (Modulo Mod 3) Giovanni Dinelli (Modulo Mod 4)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 3) Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 4)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Ornamental plants and landscape protection (cod. 8523)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course unit the student has acquired knowledge and skills in the fields of feasibility, sustainability and maintenance requirements of garden and landscape projects, through an interdisciplinary approach among the expected topics. In detail, the student is able to apply integrated botanical and agronomical skills during the process from the definitive project to realization, with particular reference to the following phases: feasibility and sustainability analysis of landscape definitive projects, plant choose and systems of planting to minimize maintenance costs, diagnosis and monitoring of the plant phytosanitary status, arrangements of maintenance programs overall for safeguarding the plant heritage using innovative techniques for biological and integrated defense systems.
Course contents
The course focuses on the development of the steps leading to the realization of the green area, starting from the definitive project, including the production of the tables useful at the execution phase, in an adequate scale, the estimative metric computation, the chronogram of the building process and the maintenance timetables.
In particular, in an integrated way among the 4 modules, starting from definitive projects, used as case studies, the following aspects will be developed:
- choose of plant species/cv, according to the environment (pedo-climatic and ecosystemic conditions) , spaces and required ornamental performances and planting layouts.
- choice of the type of starting material and estimative metric computation.
- choice of the agronomic techniques of construction and maintenance (e.g. soil improvement, irrigation, mulching, weed management, turfgrass maintenace, biological and integrated pathogen control, etc.)
- definition of the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance criteria. Subdivision of areas by type of maintenance. Definition of maintenance plans.
As a result of the activity the following documentation will be produced:
- tables of the executive project, i.e. the scale plans useful for planting and the construction of architectural elements.
- estimative metric computation for soil improvement, plant , inert materials, equipment, etc.
- maintenance plan and time schedule of maintenance.
The activity can be carried out individually or working in groups, in any case with a professor's support.Readings/Bibliography
Motloch J.L., Introduction to landscape design. NY Wiley 2001.
Toccolini A.- Piano e progetto di area verde- Maggioli Editore, 2002.
Garibaldi A., Gullino M.L., Lisa V., Malattie delle piante ornamentali. Il sole 24 ore Edagricole, 2000..
Ellis B. W. Covering Ground, 2007 Storey Publishing, LLC
Ondra N.J. Cardillo R. The Perennial Care Manual: A Plant-by-Plant Guide: What to Do & When to Do It , 2009 Storey Publishing LLC
P. Penick. Lawn Gone!: Low-Maintenance, Sustainable, Attractive Alternatives for Your Yard, 2013 Ten Speed Press;
Catalogs of nurseries.
Further bibliographic references will be provided by professors in accordance with the specific subjects and requirements of the projects.
Teaching methods
The course essentially consists of laboratory activities assisted by at least one professor and carried out individually or in groups (max 3 students), both in the classroom and outdoor, starting from a specific definitive project. Lectures on specific themes related to the project and visits to green area and nurseries supplement and support the laboratory activities.
The produced working out will be the subject of a final evaluation. Students who cannot attend lessons must agree with professors how to carry out the work.
Assessment methods
The assessment consists of a single final oral exam, lasting 30-45 minutes. The student has to illustrate his / her own tables and papers and demonstrate knowledge in the topics dealt with.
The evaluation will take into account the quality of the worked out table and papers and verify the acquisition of the expected knowledge and skills. In particular exam will have to verify the student's ability to apply and connect the acquired knowledge in each topic.
Since the teaching includes several topics and work must result from their interaction, the assessment will be jointly carried out by all the professors of the teaching modules.
Teaching tools
PPT slide presentations / video projector, photographic material, illustrative tables.
The student must provide himself with material for drafting the project tables (appropriate stationery and software).
Visits to nurseries and green areas are planned.
Office hours
See the website of Maria Eva Giorgioni
See the website of Cesare Accinelli
See the website of Maria Grazia Bellardi
See the website of Giovanni Dinelli
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.