01992 - History of Physical Education and Sports

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Docente: Nicola Sbetti
  • Credits: 3
  • SSD: M-EDF/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Exercise and Sport Sciences (cod. 8512)

    Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Exercise and Sport Sciences (cod. 8512)

Course contents

1. The history of sport: sources and methodology

2. Competitions and culture of the body in the ancient and medieval eras.

3. Gymnastic in Europe in the era of Nation-States.

4. From loisir to modern sport

5. The Olympic spirit until the end of the First World War

6. Sport and physical education in Italy during the Liberal age

7. Sport and physical education in Italy during Fascism

8. Olympic Games and mega-events in the interwar period

9. Sport and physical education in Italy during the republican period

10. Media, consumption, technology, medicine in sport during the XX century

11. Sport and politics in the XX century

12. Race, class and gender in the history of sport



For attending students

The teacher will provide lecture notes

Suggesting readings

G. Bonetta, Il secolo dei ludi. Sport e cultura nella società contemporanea, Lancillotto e Nausica, Roma, 2000.

S. Battente, L'idea di sport nel mondo antico e contemporaneo, Canterano, Aracne, 2019.

P. Dietschy e S. Pivato, Storia dello sport in Italia, Bologna, il Mulino, 2019.

F. Fabrizio, Sulle Strade dello sport. Itinerari didattici interdisciplinari per insegnanti e allievi, Canterano, Aracne, 2019.

S. Giuntini, Appunti di storia dell'educazione fisica, Roma, Universitalia, 2011.

J. Ulmann, Nel mito di Olimpia, a cura di Gabriella Aleandri Armando Editore, 2004.


Assessment methods

Oral exam

Office hours

See the website of Nicola Sbetti


Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.