- Docente: Michele Caputo
- Credits: 6
- SSD: M-PED/01
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
First cycle degree programme (L) in
Drama, Art and Music Studies (cod. 0956)
Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in History (cod. 0962)
First cycle degree programme (L) in Philosophy (cod. 9216)
First cycle degree programme (L) in Philosophy (cod. 9216)
Course contents
The program of this General Pedagogy course 2 (Exam Code 12872) refers to 6 CFU. Therefore, for those students who have in their study plan the 12CFU annual course (Exam Code 5760), this program constitutes only the second module of their course, and it has to be integrated with General Pedagogy course 1 (Exam Code 12871).
General Pedagogy Course (2) (from 22 march to 4 may 2022):
The course deals with the theme of school, migration, multicultural societies and citizenship, divided into a general part and a monographic part.
The general part deals with the following topics: the phenomenology of the educational process; intentional teaching; adolescence and cognitive processes; secondary school between social representations and pedagogical reflections.
The monographic part explores the following topic: Migration, multicultural societies and citizenship education: the cases of France and Italy
Note: Lessons take place on monday and wednesday from 9 to 11, and tuesday from 11 to 13. The frequency is attained with 22 hours of presence verified by the signatures.
Read the information about the program.
General part:
- Caputo M., La "pedagogia" della scuola nella saga di Harry Potter, in Stramaglia M. (a cura di), Pop education. Chiaroscuri pedagogici nella cultura di massa, Lecce-Rovato, Pensa MultiMedia, 2016, pp. 149-167. (sito Unibo)
- Caputo M., La fiaba: pedagogia della paura?, in “Servitium”, n. 239, 2018, pp. 75-84. (sito Unibo)
- Moscato M.T., Preadolescenti a scuola. Insegnare nella scuola secondaria di primo grado, Mondadori, Milano, 2013, pp. 1 – 163. (Non attending students will bring the entire volume, including Section anthological).
Monographic part:
- Caputo M., Al tempo delle comete: migrazioni, società multiculturali e scuola, (in corso di stampa).
Caputo M., Educare alla “giustizia”: fondamenti pedagogici dell’educazione alla legalità, in Tomarchio M., Ulivieri S., (a cura di), Pedagogie militanti. Diritti, culture, territori, Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2015, 437-441. (sito Unibo)
Teaching methods
In relation to the training purpose of the course, which aims to achieve the active participation of the students, frontal lessons, participative lessons, and teacher-conducted classroom works will be alternately used.
Assessment methods
The exam aims to verify the specific knowledge gained, the critical understanding degree, and the expressive and argumentative skills of the student. The in-presence exam session consists of two parts. The first one (1) lasts one hour, it refers to the general part of the course program and it's written; it can consist of open questions, and/or of a short essay, and/or it may ask to comment on a quote taken from one of the texts of the bibliography. The second part of the exam (2) is an interview, which is related to the monographic part of the course program. It takes place just after the end of the written part, within the same exam day. In the event of a remote exam session, check the notices web page for updates and possible changes.
Rating Descriptors:
The student demonstrates a thorough knowledge and a comprehensive view of the issues proposed in the course, an expressive capacity of the content required for the autonomous and appropriate use of both the specific language and the methodological tools of the discipline, knows provide an original reflection on problems and Pedagogical themes (27 - 30 e lode).
The student demonstrates that he possesses an appropriate but incomplete knowledge of the topics proposed in the course, with a relevant but not always specific language, uses the methodological tools of the discipline independently and correctly guides the problems and pedagogical themes (22-26).
The student demonstrates that he possesses a relevant but inappropriate knowledge (or appropriate with linguistic-formal errors) of the topics proposed in the course, uses, if guided, the methodological tools of the discipline and he focuses on problems and pedagogical issues (18 - 21).
The student demonstrates numerous gaps in the preparation, expresses non-relevant knowledge and / or conceptual errors, or with serious linguistic errors, can not use the conceptual and methodological tools, and does not know how to navigate among the themes and issues of the discipline (examinations not passed).Office hours
See the website of Michele Caputo

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.