72535 - Research Methodology Concerning Audiovisual Media (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Docente: Paolo Noto
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: L-ART/06
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Cinema, Television and Multimedia Production (cod. 0966)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students learn the modes of critical and analytical discursive productions and advanced research methods concerning the audiovisual in general and cinema in particular.

Course contents

The course will focus on historical research methodologies related to the study of cinema and media, with particular attention to archival research, through documents and non-film materials. In particular, methods, repertories and sources useful for the study of the productive, economic and institutional aspects of Italian cinema and media in the post-war period will be explored.


Luca Barra, Tiziano Bonini e Sergio Splendore (a cura di), Backstage. Studi sulla produzione dei media in Italia, Unicopli, Milano 2016
Marco Cucco e Francesco Di Chiara (a cura di), I media industry studies in Italia, monographic issue of "Schermi. Storie e culture del cinema e dei media in Italia", vol. 3, n. 5, 2019. Available in open access mode here.

A text of your choice from:
Barbara Corsi, Un ettaro di cielo e 39 di terreno. Storia d'impresa di Franco Cristaldi, Marsilio, Venezia 2021.
Mauro Giori, Intorno a Luchino Visconti. Dieci sguardi eccentrici, Torino, UTET 2021.
Federico Vitella, L' età dello schermo panoramico. Il cinema italiano e la rivoluzione widescreen, ETS, Pisa 2018.

Recommended reading:
Paolo Caneppele e Denis Lotti, La documentazione cinematografica, Paolo Emilio Persiani, Bologna 2014.

Teaching methods

Because of the restrictions imposed by the current health emergency, teaching will be carried out in blended mode 1: the teacher will carry out part of the course remotely (12 hours, the first 4 lessons), while for the second part of the course the students will alternate between classroom activities. It will always be possible to connect remotely and follow live streaming of classroom lessons on the TEAMS platform.

Lectures, with viewing of the materials and documents examined. Students will be encouraged to discuss the course topics collectively.

Students who have attended at least 80% of the lectures (8 out of 10 lectures) will be considered as attending students for the purposes of participation in the examination.

Assessment methods

The examination will be conducted in written and oral form. Students, without distinction between attending and non-attending students, will discuss a written paper (maximum length: 5000 words/35000 characters, excluding bibliography) on a topic related to the course and agreed with the instructor. The discussion of the paper will be followed by an interview in order to verify in depth the knowledge of the examination texts.

The rules for writing papers are the same as those recommended by the School for Master's theses (see https://corsi.unibo.it/magistrale/Cinema/la-tesi-di-laurea/criteri-redazionali-tesi-di-laurea-magistrale.pdf/@@download/file/Criteri%20redazionali%20tesi%20di%20laurea%20magistrale.pdf ). Collective papers may be submitted, provided that the contribution of each author is clearly established.

The achievement of an organic vision of the themes addressed, the possession of a mastery of expression and a specific language, the originality of the reflection as well as the familiarity with the tools of film and media research will be assessed with marks of excellence.

An average knowledge of the subject, an inadequate ability to synthesise and analyse, or correct but not always appropriate language, as well as a pedantic mastery of the discipline lead to correct assessments.

Insufficient training or inappropriate language, as well as a lack of knowledge of the tools of analysis, result in grades that are close to sufficient. Educational gaps, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within the bibliography as well as inability to research are evaluated negatively.

Teaching tools

Online databases, filmographies, catalogues and repertories.

Office hours

See the website of Paolo Noto