- Docente: Guglielmo Pescatore
- Credits: 6
- SSD: L-ART/06
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in
Cinema, Television and Multimedia Production (cod. 0966)
Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Semiotics (cod. 8886)
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Italian Studies, European Literary Cultures, Linguistics (cod. 9220)
Learning outcomes
The course aims to introduce students to the complexity of entertainment and to its manifold implications, which include the definition of consumption habits of individuals and (more or less homogeneous) groups of individuals, also in relation to different cultures of taste. In addition the student acquires skills regarding modeling analysis techniques applicable to the entertainment field.
Course contents
I part
- Definition of entertainment
- Historical background
- The media system and the digital revolution
- Converging culture and transmedia storytelling
- Narrative ecosystems: definitions and properties
II part (with exercises)
- The modeling of cultural products
- Evolutionary, evaluation and forecasting models
- introduction to quality models: Loop Analysis
- Coding and validation
Fundamental will be the use of the material selected by the teacher and made available through the Virtuale platform(reachable through the link "Activities and contents in e-learning" in the Teaching tab on the right).
- Guglielmo Pescatore, Ecosistemi narrativi, Carocci, 2018
- additional materials on the Virtuale platform (accessible through the link "Teaching resources on Virtuale" in the teaching sheet on the right).
- we recommend reading Enrico Menduni, Entertainment, il Mulino, Bologna 2013 (introductory text to be read preferably before the beginning of the lessons, it is not an integral part of the exam program).
It is recommended for students who intend to attend the course to be present at the first lesson. However, the exam program is the same for all students.
Teaching methods
Frontal instruction with support materials. Interaction in the classroom with dedicated app.
It is also possible to follow the lessons in streaming through the links on the Virtuale teaching platform. The attendance and the active participation during the course, measured by a dedicated app (which will be discussed during the presentation meeting), will contribute to the determination of the final grade in measure of 2 points that can be used in the first two exam sessions after the end of the course.
WARNING: Given the fluidity of the emergency situation that we are experiencing and since this program is published in July 2021 it is possible that the way in which the teaching will be provided will change in the coming months. In this case, timely communication will be given through an update of this program, as well as through appropriate notices published on the usual institutional channels, namely: notices published on the teacher's page (https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/guglielmo.pescatore), on the website of the CITEM Degree Course (https://corsi.unibo.it/magistrale/Cinema ) and on the official FB page of the CITEM Degree Course (https://www.facebook.com/Unibo.Citem/ ) which all students are invited to consult periodically.
Assessment methods
The final exam aims to evaluate the achievement of the educational purposes pointed out in the program. To this end, the student is required to write a paper which will be subsequently discussed during the oral exam. The topic of the paper must be agreed upon with the professor through the appropriate forum on the e-learning platform or during office hours and it should preferably take into consideration a case study, which will be analysed through the analytical tools and knowledge provided during the course. The paper should not exceed 3200 words, excluding bibliography. It must be delivered exclusively in digital form through the appropriate section that will be available on the Virtuale platform), at least one week before the oral exam.
The paper will then be discussed during the exam, which will also verify the competences on the course themes and textbooks. The final grade will evaluate the paper (50%), the knowledge and understanding of the exam bibliography (50%) and, for attending students, the classroom activity (max 2 points to be added to the exam grade).
All of the students must sign up to the exam through AlmaEsami; it won't be possible to test students who can't sign up because of delays in the submission of the study plan, in the tax payments, etc. Students who won't be able to take the exam must sign off the list. It is mandatory to bring a valid photo ID the day of the exam, along with the student's Unibo credentials.
Teaching tools
A prezi presentation will be made available to students at the end of every class.
Audiovisual material will be shown to support the case studies.
Streaming video and study material related to each lesson through the Virtuale platform.
Interaction in the classroom and attendance detection through Acadly app.
Office hours
See the website of Guglielmo Pescatore
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.