71050 - Eumorphic Plastic Surgery

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

Within the elective course will be analyzed congenital or acquired morphological abnormalities and body alterations of an aesthetic nature also caused by aging.
These problems can be present in all the areas of the body: face, trunk and limbs will be specifically discussed

Course contents

The principles and techniques of Plastic Surgery related to these problems will be presented.

Through the presentation of clinical cases, the most common conditions and surgical interventions will be illustrated: mammoplasty, abdominoplasty, facial surgeries after trauma or to treat signs of aging.

In the relationship called the doctor-patient relationship, space will be given to the concepts of patient expectation and satisfaction.


GRABB and SMITH'S - Plastic Surgery - Wolters Kluwer Health

CERVELLI, GENTILE- Chirurgia Plastica Rigenerativa- Ed Universo

PERSICHETTI- Atlas of Cosmetic Breast Surgery- Ed. Minerva Medica

Teaching methods

The part of the elective regarding plastic surgery will consist in 8 hours of lectures.
Specific iconography will be used to clarify the subject

Assessment methods

A final, oral, exam will verify the learining

Teaching tools

Frontal lessons, Projection of slides, suggested book texts.
Any further information may be processed outside the lessons timetable with those who explicitly request it.

Office hours

See the website of Marco Pignatti