- Docente: Francesco Maria Barbini
- Credits: 6
- SSD: SECS-P/10
- Language: English
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Rimini
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Tourism Economics and Management (cod. 8609)
Learning outcomes
Learning Outcomes: What are the most relevant organizational changes shaping the tourism sector? Which theoretical approach may be effectively adopted to discuss and interpret such changes? The course aims at solving these questions and at introducing the student to the general framework of the tourism organization. To achieve such goals, the teaching activity will be structured around three macro-areas. Firstly, the concept of tourism organization will be analysed, highlighting how the organization theory may support the analysis of the tourism activities. Secondly, the course will focus on the analysis of the relationships between information and communication technology and organization, in order to explain how the innovation in the ICT field impacts on the organization of tourism enterprises. The final section of the course will be devoted to the subject of inter-firm cooperation and coordination in the tourism sector.
Course contents
To achieve these learning goals, teaching activities will be structured around three macro-areas.
First of all, the concept of tourism organization will be analyzed, highlighting how Organization Theory may support the analysis and interpretation of the tourism activities.
Then, the Course will focus on the relationships between the organization and its environment, on the structuration processes and on the choices related to people management.
Finally, the Course will analyze the most recent trends and problems affecting the tourism industry, such as the relationships between organizational change and ICT innovation, inter-firm cooperation and coordination, the governance of enterprises and tourist destinations.
Lesson notes and other course material made available during the course.
Teaching methods
Methodological foundations: A theory is not a means for identifying solutions to organizational problems; it offers a point of view, a way for interpreting actual phenomena. In Social Sciences, there is not a one best theory: different theories offers different explanations of the same phenomenon. Hence, each theory allows to understand and explain actual phenomena and to identify intervention strategies consistent with the explanation proposed.
Teaching methods: Discussion of different case studies to allow students to approach the real world of business and to teach students how to use different theories to interpret organizational choices. Each case is discussed in two consecutive classes: - in the first class, students expose and discuss the case, they express their points of view; - in the second class, students are involved in possible, alternative interpretations by adopting different Organization Theories. Evidently, students are asked to study cases and theories before the class, not after; cases and theories will be communicated in advance to allow preliminary study.
Assessment methods
Written test composed of open questions.
The student, basing on the theories introduced during the Course, have to be able to understand and interpret the main strategies and choices affecting the organization of the enterprises in the tourism industry.
In addition, the student have to be able to identify and apply methods for designing and managing the organization of tourism enterprises.
The test covers both the theoretical part and the cases analyzed during the classes. It is not possible to bring books, personal notes or electronic devices in the exam. Registration (through AlmaEsami) for the exam is compulsory.
Grade scale:
- Sufficient preparation and analytical skills, expressed in a formally correct language → 18-22;
- Adequate preparation, sufficient analytical skills, even if not particularly articulated, expressed with correct language → 23-26;
- In-depth knowledge of the topics covered in the course, good analytical and critical skills, mastery of specific terminology → 27-28;
- Very in-depth knowledge of the topics covered in the course, critical analysis and connection skills, mastery of specific terminology → 29-30;
- Very in-depth knowledge of the topics covered in the course, critical analysis and connection skills, excellent ability to re-elaborate concepts, mastery of specific terminology → 30 cum laude.
Office hours
See the website of Francesco Maria Barbini

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.