- Docente: Valeria Cremonini
- Credits: 14
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Ravenna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8474)
Course contents
Prerequisites for admission to the exam:
- having passed the exam in Morphological Sciences, Physiological Sciences and General and Applied Nursing Sciences;
- have attended general and applied and have reported suitability to the Professional Laboratory 1; - the achievement of 14 credits of 420 hours: 13 CFU of frequency in the internship sites and 1 CFU of activities related to the internship (articles 4 and 5 of the internship regulation) - The achievement of the clinical learning objectives documented by the assessment assessments of the internship with positive evaluations; - the production of two clinical-assistance cases of people assisted with priority health problems using the Gordon nursing assessment model; the Carpenito diagnostic process and the development of the assistance plan. The student in relation to the training course carried out in the first year must make explicit the application contents of the following standards:
- Ministerial Decree 739/94
- Law 42/1999 - Law 251/2000
- Code of Ethics 2019
The student must demonstrate:
know how to conduct a nursing assessment also through the use of some assessment scales and the interpretation of data in relation to the knowledge acquired by the disciplines included in the first year teaching plan;
-knowing how to identify some nursing diagnoses developed in the course of applied nursing methodology teaching and method training activities
- know how to find solutions to problems of a welfare nature using the methodology of the assistance process and applying knowledge and acquired skills based on scientific evidence - know how to apply the assistance procedures (object of the program of the laboratory module I) and discuss their scientific rationale describing them within the examined situation. - know how to apply the procedures related to hand hygiene, waste management, use of personal protective equipment and adoption of standard precautions
- use a technical-scientific language
- being able to answer questions of an ethical-deontological nature and / or relating to the rules governing professional practice related to the clinical case that is the subject of the written test.
Craven, Hinrle, Jensen, Basic Principles of Nursing Care, 5th Edition CEA Milan 2013 Capito L.J Nursing Diagnosis, CEA, Milan 2015 Procedures in use in the professional laboratory 1 of the training center, company procedures
Teaching methods
Frequency of clinical training alongside clinical tutors / training guides, nurses or nursing coordinators in medical or territorial areas for people with acute or chronic health problems / disabilities
Additional clinical and methodological tutoring activities
Assessment methods
The methods of access to the internship exam are reported in the Internship Regulations. The verification of the overall learning is carried out in the context of the Internship exam, where the in itinere and final evaluations expressed by the internship tutors of the involved sites are also considered in relation to the achievement of the objectives set by the evaluation form and evaluation of planned cases in training. The Internship exam is divided into a written test, which must be passed to access the oral exam, as described below: Written - a planning of nursing assistance in written form starting from a clinical case predisposed relating to the person with low complexity of care; - a question on ethical - deontological or professional practice issues; Oral - oral presentation of nursing tecniques in relation to the program carriedout in the laboratory and/or acquired in internship with explanation of the scientific rationale
Teaching tools
Attendance in the internships of the medical-geriatric area at the hospital operating units and / or affiliated socio-health facilities. Evaluation sheets containing the training objectives. Procedures in use in the laboratory. clinical cases
Office hours
See the website of Valeria Cremonini
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.