08793 - Nephrology

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8474)

Learning outcomes

The student will acquire a general knowledge of the most common diseases of Nephrological interest and of any problems linked to clinical practice and the treatment of uraemia; at the of the course the student should be able to use a theoretical-practical basis in order to recognise the kind of diseases by evaluating symptoms, clinical aspects, laboratory findings and instrumental results which have differential diagnostic elements concerning renal diseases.

Course contents

Genneral information about Nephrology. Anatomical elements of the kidney and of the urinary tract. Physiological renal aspects. Endocrinal function of the kidney. Nephrological semeiographic elements. Urine sampling. Evaluation of renal function. Principal symptoms of renal diseases (edema, hypertension, hydro-electrolyte balance). Primary and secondary nephropaties. Acute kidney injury. Chronic renal failure. Osteodistrophy and uremic neuropathy. Treatment of renal failure (conservative therapy, dialysis, trasplantation).


Medicina Interna per Scienze Infermieristiche

Teaching methods

The course consists of a series of frontal lectures by which all points of the program are treated; particularly taken care is the iconographic documentation. Under request, if compatible with the headquarters of the student and other teaching commitments, it is possible (in a small groups) make practical teaching in the Nephrology or Dialysis unit, in order to improve theoretical learning.

Assessment methods

written test with multiple choice answer; the operating mode will be clearly explained and a simulation carried out.

Teaching tools

Videoprojector and PC for a wide range of computerizedpresentations.

Office hours

See the website of Andrea Buscaroli