- Docente: Giorgio Gosetti Di Sturmeck
- Credits: 6
- SSD: L-ART/06
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Cinema, Television and Multimedia Production (cod. 0966)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students acquire the historical-critical fundamentals of film festivals in Italy and abroad. They are also able to develop a general analysis of the project of a film festival or initiative (differences between the various aims, ethics of cultural organization, fundamentals of legal-administrative practice, analysis of financing systems, comparison of possible forms), as well as the realization project.
Course contents
The reason why I teach in this course consists of the double learning register: the theoretical one connected to the organization of culture in general, to the history of festivals, to their structure and execution practices, legal and administrative foundations, to be expanded in the perspective of cultural management, to all the activities of the cultural organization with special attention to the models concerning the audiovisual. But the real core of teaching, connected to the teacher's experience, concerns the practice and simulation of this type of professional activity. Therefore, in the second part of the course, the group and single exercise in search of applicable models (real or theoretical) to build a real training path together with the students which, at the end of the course, leads them having simulated a real event to be carried out in all its parts, from conception to design, up to the applicability practice.
Mandatory Books:
- ORGANIZZARE EVENTI CULTURALI di Lucio Argano, Alessandro Bollo e Paolo Della Sega - Franco Angeli, 2018
- ORGANIZZARE EVENTI di Saverio Monno - Edizioni dal Sud, 2013
- CANNES CONFIDENTIAL di Thierry Fremaux, Donzelli Editore, 2018
- I FESTIVAL DEL CINEMA a cura di Mario Abis e Gianni Canova, Johan&Levi Ed, 2012
Suggested Texts:
- LE AZIENDE CULTURALI di Giacomo Magnani - Giappichelli Ed. 2017
- LO SCHERMO DIFFUSO di Daniele Ongaro - Tinarelli Ed 2005 (anche in formato kindle)
- THE EVENTS MASTER di Alfredo Accatino - Longanesi ED, 2015
Teaching methods
In this field, Italy is still on the margins of a theoretical structuring of the profession in the event planner. The enormous growth of cultural manegment however, leads to equip students with the tools of knowledge of the sector both from the point of view of the user (filmmaker, filmgoer, creative) and from that of a future specialized professional. Thanks to a long experience as an event creator and festival director, the teacher makes his professionalism available and uses the laboratory method accompanied by historical / theoretical preparation to develop professionalism and specific skills. The course will be enriched this year by the participation of professionals coming from the professional circle, prominent personalities in the various fields of the festival activity, from programming to promotion, from marketing to administrative management. The technique of frontal lessons and that of the collective laboratory will then be used to develop a complete path, making use of the use of films, case sudies, familiarity with the most suitable websites for the audiovisual sector, both in Italy and abroad.
Assessment methods
Verification is a constant element throughout the course. In fact, having overcome the traditional and necessary dynamic of historical-theoretical training (which will be completed in four lessons), we move on to constant interaction with students, measuring themselves on simulated models and real experiences.
During the exam - written and oral test - students will be invited to exhibit the single or collective papers stimulated during the workshop and to compare themselves with the fundamentals of the course, making use of the reading of the texts proposed in the bibliography.
They will also have to present a self-presentation paper in which to briefly indicate their training, their interests, their attitude towards the course. For those attending (recommended) it will be necessary to realize: - self-presentation paper - single or collective project of cultural event - discussion of at least one fundamental text and knowledge of at least one of the recommended texts
For non-attendants: the examination procedures will be the same as those for those attending but the discussion of 3 basic and recommended texts is required
Teaching tools
Traditional tools will be used (books and handouts) but above all, internet surfing will be used with access to major international audiovisual sites and demonstration films will be used (excerpts from films, television news, archive materials).
Office hours
See the website of Giorgio Gosetti Di Sturmeck
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.