65870 - Communicable Diseases and Public Health

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Safety And Quality In Animal Production (cod. 5728)

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to give a good knowledge of the basics of epidemiology and control of animal infectious diseases. The student must be able to apply epidemiologic methods to study the diffusion of communicable diseases into animal populations and to evaluate the efficacy of diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic actions.

Course contents

Epidemiological knowledge useful to strategies of diseases control. Host/parasite/environment relationships. Ways of transmission of infectious diseases. Direct and indirect prophylaxis. Strategies of control and eradication. Zoonoses surveillance. Zoonosis concept. Notifiable zoonoses. Epidemiological surveillance. Occupational risks. Brucellosis, Paratubercolosis, TSE. Welfare in pig breeding.


Teaching materials and scientific papers uploaded by the teacher on the IOl platform.

Teaching methods

Traditional lectures and seminars on specific topics, with experts of veterinary public health, in presence or remotely.

Assessment methods

Oral examination.The final score of the integrated course "Health in animal production" represents the arithmetic mean of the final evaluations of the two courses Communicable diseases and public health and Health and hygiene in aquaculture.

In details, here is the possible score grid for oral examinations I would like to adopt in the near future:

- a very thorough knowledge of the topics addressed in the course, together with high skills of critical analysis, connection and a sure command of specific terminology will be evaluated with the maximum score (30-30L);

- a thorough knowledge of the topics addressed in the course, together with good analytical and critical skills and the possession of a sure command of specific terminology will be evaluated with good marks (27-29);

- a technically adequate preparation and a sufficient analytical capacity, even if not particularly articulated, expressed in a correct language, will produce fair evaluations (23-26);

- sufficient preparation and capacity for analysis, expressed in a language which is barely formally correct, will determine the sufficiency (18-22).

Teaching tools

PC projector, overhead projector, network connected PC.

Office hours

See the website of Antonietta Di Francesco