93793 - Epidemiology and Hygiene

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Moduli: Laura Dallolio (Modulo 1) Laura Dallolio (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Physical Activities (cod. 9263)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student has knowledge on basic epidemiology, on epidemiological methodology and on the principles and methods of prevention. In particular, the student is able to: - use the tools for a correct epidemiological approach to health / disease problems in the population; - promote and evaluate primary, secondary and tertiary prevention measures, in particular of multifactorial diseases, inherent in the motor environment and correct lifestyles; - evaluate the safety conditions of sports facilities and their compliance with hygiene requirements.

Course contents

Definition and history of Epidemiology.

Causal inference in epidemiology.

Basic general prevention: aims and methods of prevention. Primary prevention, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention. The role of epidemiology.

Measures of occurence.

Measures of association.

Study design in epidemiology.

Observational Studies: coohort study, case-control study, cross-sectional study, ecological study.

Interventional Studies: randomized controlled trials.

Counfonding factors and bias.

Scientific evidence. Systematic reviews and metanalysis: basic principles for conductiong and interpretation.

Social epidemiology.

How plan and conduct a master’s thesis.

Hygiene and safety in sport facilities.


Jerry R. Thomas, Jack. K. Nelson, Stephen J. Silverman. (2012) - 1 ed. italiana / a cura di Pasquale Bellotti, Alberto Rainoldi Metodologia della ricerca per le scienze motorie e sportive. Ferriera di Torgiano : Calzetti Mariucci, 2012

Teaching methods

Lectures with multimedia aids.

Assessment methods

The final test of the integrated course “Epidemiology and Pharmacology” consists of an oral exam for both course units.

The student can take the test of both course units on the same exam date or take the two tests on separate dates of the same exam session.

Exam session: there are at least 7 exam dates a year.

1st session (January-February 2021): 3 exam dates

2nd session (June-July 2021): 2 exam dates

3rd session (September 2021): 2 exam dates

To check exam dates students can access AlmaEsami

Two questions of "Epidemiology and Hygiene", related to the topics of the program will be asked to the student. Others specific questions can be asked for evaluating the student's preparation. Will be evaluated: the ability to expose topics correctly and critically; the clarity to expose and the ability to use the specific language of the discipline

The student will get a mark, for each course unit, on the basis of her/his capacity to answer questions. The two partial marks, in proportion to the number of credits (Epidemiology, 3CFU; Pharmacology, 6CFU), contribute to the final mark. The student passes the exam if he/she takes at least 18/30 in both course units.

Teaching tools

Teaching aids: The teaching material presented at the lectures is available on "Insegnamenti On Line" plarform of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.

Office hours

See the website of Laura Dallolio