32034 - Laboratory (2) (2nd cycle) (Gr. 2)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Maria Pia Pozzato
  • Credits: 6
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Semiotics (cod. 8886)

Learning outcomes

The content of the laboratory varies according to the years, but is aimed at giving the student a professionalizing competence on the various fields of study of the degree course

Course contents

Gestural language.

Theoretical reflections and experimental tests around the
communicative use of the body.

The laboratory intends to promote a sociosemiotic reflection
on gestural practice in various social contexts including artistic ones.Starting from Greimas's reflections on the gestural text (Greimas 1970), we will proceed with a recognition of the theoretical bases for an analysis of body meaning, or of the non-verbal aspects of communication. Each culture employs its own system of meaning codes for movements, gestures, facial
expressions, positions, etc. The latter therefore acquire their semantic value both from the context and from the semiosphere. .
Through the analysis of case studies (from the political to
the spectacular one) we will try to bring the gestures back to its reference models, and also to consider their enunciational-strategic aspect since each non-verbal text is also the result of a choice between the different virtual possibilities provided by the cultural system.

A part of the laboratory will have an experimental /practical character, as the participants will be actively involved in acting
techniques or simply gestural improvisation, in order to create the occasion for an ethno-semiotic investigation and a moment of further comparison. Throughout the laboratory, dr. Massimo Roberto Beato, PhD student in semiotics and taught at the Silvio D’Amico Academy of Dramatic Art in Rome, will assist the
teacher. Beato is conducting part of his doctoral thesis on the "actor's body". One of the ten meetings will host Margherita Murgiano, post doc at the UCL in London (Language and Cognition Lab), who will talk about the role of gestures in the learning of language.


Orientation Bibliography  

Angioletti, Katia Lara

(2010) Filosofie sull’attore – Milano: Led, con particolare attenzione al saggio di Andrea Pinotti, “L’immagine incarnata. L’attorialità in Georg Simmel”, pp. 93-106

Bassano, Giuditta

(2012) “Semantica fra cognizione e mondo: sviluppi della teoria semiotica attuale e modelli di conoscenza” – RIFL, Rivista di Filosofia del Linguaggio, n. speciale SFL, ppg. 17-27

Basso Fossali, Pierluigi

(2009) La tenuta del senso. Per una semiotica della percezione – Roma: Aracne

Belting, Hans

(2001) Bild-Anthropologie. Entwürfe für eine Bildwissenschaft – München: Fink (trad. it. Antropologia delle immagini – Roma: Carocci editore, 2012)

Birdwhistell, R. L.

(1971) Kinesics and Context: Essay in Body Communication – Harmondsworth: Penguin

Birdwhistell, R. L., Lacoste, M.

(1968) “L’analyse kinésique”, Langages, 10, pp. 101-106

Bondì, Antonino

(2013) Percezione, semiosi e socialità del senso – Roma: Mimesis

Bremond, Claude

(1968) “Pour un gestuaire des bandes dessinées”, Langages, 10, pp. 94-100

Contreras Lorenzini, María José

(2008) Il Corpo in scena: indagine semiotica sullo statuto del corpo nella prassi performativa – Università di Bologna: tesi di Dottorato di ricerca in Semiotica (M-FIL-05 ciclo XX)


(2009) “Il corpo del fare. Verso una definizione semiotica di pratica”, Studi Culturali, 3, pp. 387-408

Cresswell, Robert

(1968) “Le geste manuel associé au langage”, Langages, 10, pp. 119-127

Ekman, Paul, V. Friesen, Wallace

(1969) “The repertoire of nonverbal behavior: categories, origins, usage and coding”, Semiotica, 1, pp. 49-98

Fabbri, Paolo

(1968) “Considérations sur la proxémique”, Langages, 10, pp. 65-75

Fontanille, Jacques

(2004) Séma & soma. Les figures du corps – Paris: PUF (trd. it. Figure del corpo. Per una semiotica dell’impronta – Roma: Meltemi, 2004)

(2008) Pratiques sémiotiques – Paris: PUF (trad. it. Pratiche semiotiche – Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2010)

Goffman, Erving

(1959) The presentation of self in everyday life – Garden City (NY): Doubleday & Co. (trad. it. La vita quotidiana come rappresentazione – Bologna: Il Mulino, 1969)

Greimas, Algirdas Julien

(1970) Du Sens – Paris: Editions du Seuil (trad. it. Del senso – Milano: Bompiani, 1974), con particolare attenzione al capitolo “Per una semiotica del mondo naturale”, pp. 49-94

Hutt, Clelia

(1968) “Etude d'une corpus : dictionnaire du langage gestuel chez les trappistes”, Langages, 10, pp. 107-118

Kœchlin, Bernard

(1968) “Techniques corporelles et leur notation symbolique”, Langages, 10, pp. 36-47

Kristeva, Julia

(1968) “Le geste, pratique ou communication?”, Langages, 10, pp. 48-64

Lo Feudo, Giorgio

(2014) “I segni della danza tra azione, testo e significazione”, Filosofi(e)Semiotiche, 1, pp. 44-48

Lo Iacono, Concetta

(2007) Il danzatore attore da Noverre a Pina Bausch – Roma: Dino Audino editore

Marsciani, Francesco

(1999) Esercizi di semiotica generativa – Bologna: Esculapio editore, con particolare riferimento al saggio “La maschera neutra”, pp. 123-138

Pellerey, Roberto

(2017) “L’uso sapiente del corpo e il linguaggio del teatro” – Articolo pubblicato nel vol. 11, n. 2/2017 della Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio (www.rifl.unical.it )

Plessner, Helmuth

(1948) Zur Anthropologie des Shauspielers, in Gunter Gebauer (Hg.), Anthropologie – Leipzig, 1998 (trad. it. L’antropologia dell’attore in Id. Studi di estesiologia. l’uomo, i sensi, il suono, a cura e con la trad. di A. Rucco – Bologna: CLUEB, 2007, pp. 77-90)

Pozzato, Maria Pia

(1995) Estetica e vita quotidiana – Milano: Lupetti, con particolare attenzione al saggio di Greimas, “Il bel gesto”, pp. 59-75.

Rastier, M. François

(1968) “Comportement et signification”, Lagages, 10, pp. 76-86

Stern, Daniel N.

(1973) “On Kinesic Analysis”, The Drama Review, 17, pp. 114-126

Tedesco, Salvatore

(2008) Forme viventi. Antropologia ed estetica dell’espressione – Milano: Mimesis

Violi, M. P.

(2003) “Le tematiche del corporeo nella Semantica Cognitiva”, in Gaeta-Luraghi (a cura di) Introduzione alla Linguistica Cognitiva – Roma: Carocci, pp. 57-76

(2005 a) “Il corpo, le pratiche” – Intervento alla Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici, Bologna 29 novembre 2005, in occasione della presentazione di Sensi Alterati (a cura di Gianfranco Marrone, Meltemi, 2005) e La cura Ludovico (di Gianfranco Marrone, Einaudi, 2005).

Zinna, Alessandro

(2020) “Dal bel gesto alla lezione. La dimensione rappresentativa nell’interazione” – Articolo pubblicato on-line il 17 febbraio 2020 sulla rivista E|C (www.ec-aiss.it)

Teaching methods

According to the current provisions (July 2020) the lessons must be held in a mixed mode, half in the presence with quota admission; and half remotely. The confirmation of this modality depends on the state of the health situation at the resumption of teaching but it is hoped that in April 2021 the situation will allow a normal course in the presence of all the lessons.

Assessment methods

For the laboratory there is no real exam but an assessment that depends on the quantity and quality of the participation. For those who could not participate, a paper will be agreed on the subject but since the lessons will also be available in streaming, an active participation is expected.

Office hours

See the website of Maria Pia Pozzato


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.