66529 - Applied Anatomy of Motor Activities

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Exercise and Sport Sciences (cod. 8512)

Learning outcomes

The students will learn about the organization of tissues and organs of the human body. This knowledge will allow them to better understand the subsequent classes of biochemistry, physiology.

Course contents

skeletal system


ANATOMIA UMANA -principi- Artico et al., Ed. Edi Ermes

ANATOMIA UMANA Martini Ed. Edises Napoli

Teaching methods

During the classes overheads and slides will be projected to fully illustrate all the topics of the Contents

Assessment methods

There will be an oral examination with questions related to the topics discussed during the classes .The verbalization can occur in the absence of the student.

Teaching tools


Office hours

See the website of Mirella Falconi