69298 - German Language and Culture I (Second Language)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student is familiar with the basics of the German language and culture and is able to understand and produce written and oral texts.

Course contents

The course enhances the student's language skills needed to achieve a good level of proficiency in written and oral comprehension. Classroom work includes both written and oral exercises and aims to prepare for the mediation classes.


U. Engel, Deutsche Grammatik, Heidelberg, Julius Groos, 1988

H. Weinrich, Textgrammatik der deutschen Sprache, Mannheim, Dudenverlag, 1993

Dreyer-Schmitt, Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik, Verlag für Deutsch, 1999

Rug-A. Tomaszewski, Grammatik mit Sinn und Verstand, Klett Edition 1997

B. Latour, Mittelstufen-Grammatik für Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Max Hueber Verlag, 1996.


Langenscheidts Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache - DIT. Dizionario Tedesco-Italiano, Paravia-Langenscheidt, München, 1999.

Sansoni Wörterbücher, Sansoni Editore Firenze, 2004.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons and group work.

A personal tutoring service is available for students who need teaching support in German.

Assessment methods

Written and oral exam.

The mark for this module will be based on both exams which together will make up 50% of the final mark for the course.

Teaching tools

Computer, video-clips, electronic devices. Moodle.

Office hours

See the website of Christian Klaus Thomas Wehlte