90649 - Introduction To Dialogical Interpretation Between French And Italian (Second Language)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Vincenzo Lambertini
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: L-LIN/04
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student knows the basic strategies of dialogue interpreting and is able to use them in basic communication situations.

Course contents

This course is aimed at teaching the bases of dialogue interpreting through a brief theoretical introduction to dialogue interpreting as well as practical and preparatory exercises (for further information, see the section “Teaching Methods”).

The lexical fields of this course will basically concern professional and daily domains generally linked to tourism (such as economic, social, environmental, cultural, interactional and food domains), with a particular focus on general knowledge, but also on French, Italian and European politics and news.

Furthermore, this course is intended to improve students' public speaking and stress management skills.


Ballardini, E. (1998). “La traduzione a vista nella formazione degli interpreti”. inTRAlinea 1. Disponibile all’indirizzo http://www.intralinea.org/archive/article/1611.

Bidaud, F. (2015). Exercices de grammaire française pour italophones. Torino: Utet.

Bidaud, F. (2015). Grammaire du français pour italophones. Torino: Utet.

Carraro-Tomanek, A. (2001). Manuale dell’interprete di trattativa. Milano: Arcipelago Edizioni.

Chessa, F. (2012a). Interpretazione dialogica. Le competenze per la mediazione linguistica. Roma. Carocci.

Chessa, F. (2012b). “Phraséologie et pragmatique dans la didactique de l’interprétation de liaison”, Rhesis, pp. 28-35.

Eco, U. (2003) Dire quasi la stessa cosa. Milano: Bompiani.

Fogazzaro, E. e L. Gavioli (2004). “L’interprete come mediatore: riflessioni sul ruolo dell’interprete in una trattativa d’affari”. In G. Bersani Berselli, G. Mack, D. Zorzi (a cura di), Linguistica e interpretazione. Bologna: CLUEB. 169-191.

Gavioli, L. (ed) (2009) La mediazione linguistico-culturale: Una prospettiva interazionista. Perugia: Guerra Edizioni.

Kerbrat-Orecchioni, C. (2005a). Le discours en interaction. Paris: Armand Colin.

Kerbrat-Orecchioni, C., (2005b). Les actes de langage dans le discours. Paris: Armand Colin.

Mangiante, J.-M. e C. Parpette (2004). Le Français sur Objectif Spécifique : de l’analyse des besoins à l’élaboration d’un cours. Paris: Hachette FLE.

Merger, M. F. e L. Sini (1995). Côte à côte : préparation à la traduction de l'italien au français : avec exercices auto-correctifs. Firenze: La Nuova Italia.

Russo, M. e G. Mack (a cura di) (2005). Interpretazione di trattativa: la mediazione linguistico-culturale nel contesto formativo e professionale. Milano: Hoepli.

Sandrelli, A. (2005) “La trattativa d'affari: Osservazioni generali e strategie didattiche”. In G. Mack & M. Russo (eds). 77-91.

Zorzi, D. (2006) “Parlare in classe, parlare con tutti”. In P. Nobili (ed), Oltre il libro di testo. Multimedialità e nuovi contesti per apprendere le lingue. Roma: Carocci Faber. 141-170.

Further references will be provided during the course.

Teaching methods

Each topic will be introduced from a lexical point of view and the students will be actively involved in preparatory exercises and in role-play simulations and sight translation exercises.

Great importance will be attached to sight translation both from and into French in order to improve concentration and promptness as well as developing linguistic automatisms which are very useful to interpreters.

Attendance at this course is compulsory. Any candidate whose attendance is below 70% is not allowed to sit for the final exam.

Students will also be helped to become autonomous and to understand how to face their difficulties. They will also be asked to prepare some lexical domains on the basis of some tips resulting from discussions in class.

Assessment methods

This module will be assessed through both a sight translation from French into Italian and the active involvement of a student in the mediation of a bilingual French-Italian (in both directions) exchange concerning one or more topics treated during the course, on the basis of his/her comprehension, production, reformulation and communication management but also in terms of usability of the interpreting service provided by the student and of achievement of the final goal of the mediated event.

Teaching tools

Texts will mainly be presented in digital format (on Moodle). Authentic audio-visual materials will be used during the course, in order to see what happens in more realistic and professional mediated events.

Office hours

See the website of Vincenzo Lambertini


Good health and well-being Sustainable cities Responsible consumption and production Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.