87260 - Dynamics and Control of Energy Systems m

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Giulio Cazzoli
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: ING-IND/08
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Energy Engineering (cod. 0935)

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to provide the necessary tools for the study of dynamic behavior and control of energy systems

Course contents

The course includes two parts, an introduction to the classical control theory and application to energy systems

Mathematical study of control systems.

Definition of SISO LTI system.

Laplace transform. Inverse Laplace transform.

Stability analysis for a system. Routh stability criterion.

Frequency response of linear systems: Bode diagrams, Nyquist plot

Open and closed-loop systems: Definition and evaluation of permanent errors. Definition of margin of phase and amplitude.

Stability of a closed-loop system: Nyquist stability criterion. Root Locus.

Compensation of the disturbances in feedback systems by means of lead and lag Compensators and standard regulators.

Feedback control design.

Energy systems

Modeling with lumped parameters.

Hydraulic, mechanical and thermal systems and components.

Application of control theory to power plants (steam turbine, hydraulic turbine, turbogas), cogeneration plants, heat production plants, internal combustion engines.


AA.VV., “Dinamica e controllo delle macchine a fluido”, Edizioni Pitagora.

Penati M.E., Bertoni G., Simonini S., “Automazione e Sistemi di Controllo”, Progetto Leonardo-Esculapio

Marro Giovanni, “Controlli Automatici”, Zanichelli

Notes and supplemetary notes on https://iol.unibo.it/

Teaching methods

Frontal teaching lessons in the classroom, mainly with the help of the blackboard, related to all the topics in the program.

During the course will be presented examples, exercises and practical applications using commercial software (such as Matlab / Simulink, AMESim) or openSource (eg Octave, Scilab, Hopsan)

Attendance is strongly recommended for better learning of concepts and notions, but does not affect the final evaluation process.

Assessment methods

The verification is carried out only by means of the final exam, there are no partial tests.

The exam is in written form of the duration of about 3 hours.

The test consists of two parts, administered simultaneously, the first consists of at least one question on theoretical topics, covered in the course, to be carried out in open form, the second by at least two analytical/numerical exercises.

The exam will be grade over the 0-30 range, with 18 the minimum to pass, 30 the maximum. Honor can be assigned.

If the course is part of the integrated course DYNAMIC, CONTROL AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF M CI ENERGY SYSTEMS, the final grade, that will be recorded, will be given by the arithmetic average, rounded to the next whole number, of the marks that the student will have obtained in the courses which make up the integrated course. The final "30 e lode" (30 and honors) is awarded if the candidate has obtained 30 in both modules and the honor in at least one of them.

Teaching tools

Classical chalk and blackboard. Slides and audiovisual supports. PC-based software

Office hours

See the website of Giulio Cazzoli