69990 - Laboratories II. (B)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Moduli: Eliana Tossani (Modulo 1) Paola Gremigni (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology (cod. 0990)

Learning outcomes

M-PSI/03 (Psychometrics Module)

By the end of the workshop the student: - knows the methods of administration of psychological tests; - knows how to analyze data and how it is used.


M-PSI/08 (Clinical Psychology Module)

At the end of the classes, students should be able:

  • to define and differentiate among several psychotherapeutic approaches
  • to apply psychotherapeutic strategies according to single clinical cases

Course contents

The course will take place during the first semester (October- January) at the Cesena Campus of the School of Psychology and Education (address: piazza Aldo Moro, 90 and v.le Europa, 115).


M-PSI/03 (Psychometrics Module)
Multivariate inferential statistical analysis techniques: evaluation of experimental hypotheses and the type of variables available for data analysis, choice of the appropriate statistical test, statistical analysis, interpretation of the results obtained.
Main statistical models: descriptive analysis; General Linear Model: ANOVA (one-way, multi-way, multivariate, for repeated measurements, mixed model); ANCOVA; Regression analysis (simple linear, multiple); Non parametric tests: Chi square test.
The Psychometrics module will take place in the first semester (October-January).


M-PSI/08 (Clinical Psychology Module)

The clinical perspective: knowledge, skills and emotions in clinical work.

Basic principles of the assessment and psychological support techniques of cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic and humanistic-existential derivation (experiential approaches).

Effective treatment techniques, with particular reference to "evidence-based practice" (EBP) for anxiety and affective disorders.
Foundational Principles of Rehabilitation Psychology

Types of mental health professionals: understand the difference between a psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist.


M-PSI/03 (Psychometrics Module)

Gremigni P. e Casu G (2015) Psicometria e testistica in Psicologia clinica. E-Book/PDF, available online: http://www.lulu.com/shop/paola-gremigni-and-giulia-casu/psicometria-e-testistica-in-psicologia-clinica/ebook/product-22395057.html


M-PSI/08 (Clinical Psychology Module)

Grandi S., Rafanelli C., Fava G.A. (2011): Manuale di Psicosomatica, Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore.
Fava G.A., Grandi S., Rafanelli C. (a cura di) (2010): Terapia psicologica. Torino: Centro Scientifico Editore.

Kottler J.A., Carlson J. (2016): Essere un eccellente psicoterapeuta. Scienza e buone prassi. Milano: Edra S.p.A.

Beck A.T., Rush A.J., Shaw B.F., Emery G. (1979): Cognitive therapy of depression. New York: Guilford Press.

Beck A.T., Emery G., Greenberg R. (1985): Anxiety disorders and phobias. A cognitive perspective. Cambridge, MA: Basic Books.

Teaching methods

M-PSI / 03 (Psychometrics Module)
The lessons will be organized in practical exercises through the use of the SPSS statistical package. 

M-PSI/08 (Clinical Psychology Module)

The lessons will be supplemented by:
• small group jobs;
• presentations of clinical cases and application examples;
• video clips of clinical interviews;
• role-playing;
• simulation of interviews and exercises on the design of clinical intervention

Assessment methods

M-PSI/03 (Psychometrics Module)
The skills acquired will be verified through a practical exercise, using the SPSS statistical package and data provided by the teacher.

M-PSI/08 (Clinical Psychology Module)

Qualification will be recognized in relation to active participation in the lessons and the passing of a final written test concerning the topics covered in class, the final exam will take place during the last meeting of the laboratory.

Teaching tools

M-PSI / 03 (Psychometrics Module)
For the practical application of the topics addressed in the laboratory, teaching materials will be provided by the teacher.


M-PSI/08 (Clinical Psychology Module)

To deepen the topics covered in the course, teaching materials will be provided (handouts, articles, case studies).
Video projector, DVD player and PC.

Office hours

See the website of Eliana Tossani

See the website of Paola Gremigni


Good health and well-being Quality education Gender equality

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.