78706 - Russian Linguistics 2 (LM)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Nadezda Studenikina
  • Credits: 9
  • SSD: L-LIN/21
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Language, Society and Communication (cod. 8874)

Learning outcomes

The student knows the linguistics of the Russian language in a deepened way (phonology, morphosyntax, lexicology, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics, stylistics and linguistics of the corpora). At the end of the two years course, the student is able to apply such knowledge by means of the use of suitable tools, the textual analysis; he/she knows how to use the learning methods which are developed in order to deepen and update in autonomy his/her own knowledge; he/she knows how to plan a linguistic search in a correct way. Through practical exercises during these 2 years, his/her communicative competences within all the linguistics abilities progress up to the level C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference, which allows students to effectively interpret the partner-linguistic and cultural codes in any subject within a communicative relationship.

Course contents

The theoretical course, following text analysis approach of the preceding course of Russian Linguistics 1, includes three parts.

The first part of the course will include the analysis of texts in scientific and official styles (contract, abstract, thesis) combined with extensive study of linguistic structures, compilation of terminological glossaries and translation from Italian in to Russian.

The second part of the course will focus on some tools of contrastive analysis with Italian as well as the in-depth study of lexicology of the Russian language from a linguocultural perspective. Particular attention will be paid to the study of phraseology and paremiology of the Russian Language and the translation strategies.

The third part of the course will examine the most significant phenomena of contemporary Russian (analytical tendencies, inflow of loan words and neologisms, jargonisation etc.) on the example of modern mass-media texts.

Objectives of the course: acqusition of advanced knowledge of semantics, pragmatics and stylistics of the Russian language in particular from a comparative perspective with Italian.

The programme of the theoretical course in Russian:

1. Стилистика. Жанры профессиональной речи (продолжение курса Russian Linguistics 1).
• Официально-деловой стиль (анализ жанра договора, в частности, трудового, коммерческого договора: лингвистические характеристики, канцеляризмы, составление глоссария, перевод);
• Научный стиль (основные характеристики на всех языковых уровнях, анализ жанров аннотации и дипломной работы; составление научных текстов в указанных жанрах; анализ текстов специализированной тематики, составление глоссария, перевод)

2. Сравнительная лингвистика и перевод.
(культурно-специфическая лексика: фразеологизмы, пословицы, прецедентные тексты и стратегии перевода указанных лексических групп)

3. Активные процессы в современном русском языке (на примере текстов СМИ).
(тенденция к аналитизму, интернационализация и волна заимствований, деархаизация, жаргонизация, новые идеи в русской концептосфере)

N.B. Please note that the course wil start remotely (30 hours of online lessons) followed by a second part of the course (30 hours) in classroom, according to the instructions and timelines communicated subsequently to the students.

The theoretical part of the course is combined with practical course (практический курс - 36 hours). This latter represents an integral part of the course and is designed to help students develop their dialogical (oral) and compositional (written) skills at a C1 - C2 level regarding the subjects under study. In the practical part of the course students will work on the vocabulary and phraseology pertinent to the texts being studied.

Задачи практического курса: активизировать языковые и речевые навыки учащихся; углубить знакомство с лексическим составом русского языка, а также закрепить знания по русской грамматике и продолжить формирование коммуникативной и страноведческой компетенции на материале социально значимых тем. Курс позволит учащимся расширить знания о современной России и международных событиях, которые освещаются в российских СМИ, познакомит с основными жанрами газетно-журнальной публицистики и особенностями языка современных российских СМИ, научит самостоятельно ориентироваться в газетных и телевизионных материалах.

The attendance of the courses is highly recommended.


Fundamental bibliography (theoretical course):

1. Афанасьева Н.А., Попова Т.И. Палитра стилей. Санкт-Петербург, 2012.
2. Земская Е.А. Русский язык конца XX столетия. 1985-1995. Москва, 2000.
3. Минакова Е. Современная русская идиоматика. Москва, 2005.
4. Cadorin E., Kukushkina I. Il russo tecnico-scientifico. Hoepli, 2010.
5. Cadorin E., Kukushkina I. Il russo per l’azienda. Milano, 2014.
6. Dobrovol'skaja Ju. L'ABC della traduzione. Milano, 2016.
7. Pessina Longo H., Averjanova G.N., Rogova K. Principi della comunicazione scientifica in lingua russa. Bologna, 1995.

Additional bigliography (theoretical course):
1. Кронгауз М.А. Русский язык на грани нервного срыва. Москва, 2008.
2. Крысин Л.П. Современный русский язык. Лексическая семантика. Лексикология. Фразеология. Лексикография. Москва, 2007.
3. Телия В.Н. Русская фразеология. Семантический, прагматический и лингвокультурологический аспекты. Москва, 1996.
4. Osimo B. Manuale del traduttore. Guida pratica con glossario. Milano, 2011.

5. Nicolai G.M. Dizionario delle parole russe che s’incontrano in italiano. Roma, 2003.
6. Čukovskij K. I. La traduzione: una grande arte. Venezia, 2003

Some materials will be given to students in form of handouts and uploaded on the IOL platform.

Bibliography (practical course):

Andrej N. Bogomolov. Novosti iz Rossii. Russkij jazyk v sredstvach massovoj informacii. Russkij jazyk.Kursy – Mosca, 2019. ISBN 978-5-88337-311-3.

(This book will be included in the handout provided by the teacher to the students and uploaded on IOL).

Teaching methods

Lectures in Russian conducted with the help of PP presentations and reference to the online materials; analytical and communicative methods; collective discussions of the ropics and translations prepared in classroom and at home. 

Assessment methods

The language in which the exams should be taken: Russian.

Final assessment of the competences acquired consists of four parts: a written exam (max 4 hours) and a subsequent oral exam related to the theoretical course as well as oral and wirtten language tests related to the practical course. The written exam of the theoretical course is valid for four exam sessions and represents a prerequisite of access to the oral exam.The final mark to be put on record is an average of marks obtained in both written and oral exams including the language tests related to the practical course (lettorato).

The written exam of the theoretical course includes: 1) translation from Italian into Russian of a text (max 250 words) of a topic and genre similar to those analysed during the course and 2) questions related to the culturally marked lexical groups examined during the course and their translation strategies. The exam can be carried out with the help of monolingual and biligual dictionaries.

For the oral exam of the theoretical course the student will to have to prepare a stylistic analysis of a text (of a scientific, official or publicistic style) and answer additional questions on the topics of the course. The text to be analysed should be at least 5000 characters long and be sent to the teacher at least one week prior to the examination.

The oral exam of the practical course will focus on the communicative competences assessing the ability of oral expression on the topics studied during the practical course. The written exam will concern the topics discussed in practical lessons. 

NB: To pass the Russian Linguistics 2 exam, students should have already passed Russian Linguistics 1.


Teaching tools

Textbooks, PP presentations, linguistic corpora, audiovisual materials, materials available on IOL. In addition, Moodle and videoconference platforms will be used as tools for online lessons.

Additional materials will be distributed to the students through a mailing list.

Office hours

See the website of Nadezda Studenikina