72594 - Economic Management of Protected Natural Areas

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Land and agro-forestry Sciences (cod. 8525)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide knowledge about the evolution of agro-zootechnical activities in favor of the protection of natural resources and the rural landscape. In particular, the insights concern the technical-economic opportunities for the agricultural entrepreneur to realize re-naturalized areas and environmental protection within the company in the light of the new indications of the Community agricultural policy and the opportunities offered by the regional rural development plans.

Course contents

Teaching Unit 1 (5 hours)
Results: the student gets to know the main issues of sustainable development:
- theoretical concept of sustainable development;
- main local and global issues (demographic, economic, ecological,);
- institutional problems; the link between economic growth, population and the environment;
- role of technology.

Teaching Unit 2 (10 hours)
Results: the student according to the theoretical indications of sustainable development, reaches the learning of the methodological bases of the environment; in particular the reference models for evaluation are set out:
- problems of pollution of agro-zootechnical activity
- environmental services generated by agriculture
- management of natural resources, with a microeconomic perspective.

Teaching Unit 3 (15 hours)
Results: the student will have an overview of the tools for assessing agricultural actions and policies with significant effects on environmental protection. The historical phases of the CAP and rural development will be analyzed. The insights will cover:
- evolution of the regulatory support framework introduced by the CAP and agri-environmental programs;
- objectives of the new 2014/2020 CAP
- Regional rural development plans with particular attention to measures and actions to protect natural ecosystems.
- Protected areas and environmental protection actions (Framework Law on protected areas Law of December 6, 1991, No. 394)


§ Lanza, Lo sviluppo sostenibile, Il Mulino, Bologna (II ed), 2006

§ Musu, Introduzione all'economia ambientale, Il Mulino, Bologna (II ed) 2003

§ PSR Regione Emilia Romagna (sito Regione Emilia-Romagna – PSR)

§ The teaching material consists of slides presented in class and made available to students in the appropriate website (website of the course owner: http://www.unibo.it/docenti/alessandro.ragazzoni).

Teaching methods

The course is mainly carried out through lectures with power point video projection with the possibility of computer lab exercises and seminars held by experts in the subject.

Assessment methods

The teaching is part of the Integrated Course "Wildlife Control and Economic Management of Protected Areas" together with the following other teaching: "Economic management of protected areas". Therefore the verification will be carried out only at the end of the lessons of the mentioned teachings and will consist of an oral test of 30 minutes, carried out in the presence of the two teachers, in which two questions will be formulated, one for teaching. A maximum of 15 points will be awarded to each answer. The average of the two scores will constitute the final grade

Teaching tools

Computerized analysis models on PC support; power point lessons; exercises and case studies on PC.

Office hours

See the website of Alessandro Ragazzoni