69876 - Legal Medicine, Animal Protection and Veterinary Legislation

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Angelo Peli
  • Credits: 3
  • SSD: VET/08
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)

Course contents


Revision on national law

Characteristics of the Italian legal order; notion of legal fact, legal relation, specific law, legal order; national sources of the law; the legislative procedure; the abrogation of a law; the sources of legal cognition; general notions on the Italian Constitution, the organization and role of the National Health Service

Introduction on the European Community law and on the functioning of the European Union

Historical basis and history of the European integration; the structure of the European Union; the European institutions and their functions; the decision procedures and the adoption of the Community laws; the sources of the European Union law; the sources of European law cognition; Comitology: advisory committees, regulatory committees, regulatories committees with scrutiny, management committees; the relationship between European law and Member States legal order; the role of the Regions; the structure of a legal act. The Lisbon Treaty. The EU policy on food safety ; the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); the UE consumer's protection policy; the role of the international organizations (The Council of Europe, WHO, FAO, WTO) and of the veterinary international organizations (WOAH, Codex Alimentarius) in food safety and CAP. The relationship between animal welfare, cross-compliance and rural development.


 European Union Law on Food Safety

General principles and requirements of food law; the main european laws on food safety (Reg. 178/2002/EC, Reg. 852/2004/EC, Reg. 853/2004/EC, Reg. 854/2004/EC, Reg. 882/2004/EC; Reg. 183/2005/EC; Dir. 99/2002/EC); the main communication systems: RASFF, TRACES, ADNS; the national and european official control system on food and feed; EFSA: organization and purposes; Comitology: advisory committees, regulatory committees, regulatories committees with scrutiny, management committees.

UE law on animal welfare

Concept of animal welfare and animal protection; basis and implications of animal welfare; international, community and national law referring to the protection of animals kept for farming purposes; horizontal law on the protection of animals kept for farming purposes (Dir 98/58/EC); law concerning the protection of calves (Dir 91/629/EEC); law concerning the protection of pigs (Dir 91/630/EEC); law on the protection of laying hens (Dir 1999/74/EC); law on the protection of  chickens kept for meat production (Dir 2007/43/EC).

Law on the protection of animals during trasport and related operations (Reg 1/2005/EC).

Law on the protection of animals at the time of slaughter or killing (Dir 93/119/EC)

Concept of notifiable disease: notifiable infectious diseases in Italy and in the EU; European horizontal and vertical legislation; measures taken after notification; the difference between national notification and notification within the Community (D.P.R. 320/54, artt.1-16; Dir 92/119/EEC; Dir 82/894/EEC). Reg 429/2016/EU

The law regarding the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes: Dir. 2010/63/EC; D.lvo 26/2014; the role of the Ethics Committee; the conscientiousness objection (L. 413/93).

Protection of wild fauna:  CITES (international, european and national law);   L. 157/1992

Legislation on the Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products


Small group training on the use of paper and informatics tools for the cognition of the Community law.

Training on the analysis and the interpretation of case law.



      • Compendio di Diritto dell'Unione Europea; a cura di S. Gerli, XVI edizione, Ed. giuridiche Simone, 2016

      • Codice breve dell'Unione europea, a cura di C.C. Gialdino, X edizione, Ed. Giuridiche Simone, 2017

      • G. Peccolo, “Nozioni Giuridiche fondamentali”, CLEUP, Padova, 2010

      • AA vari “ La sicurezza alimentare”, Quaderni di sanità Pubblica. Maggioli editore, 2015

      • AA vari "Etica e Allevamento Animale" (a cura di G. Bertoni), Ed Franco Angeli, 2016

      • P. Benazzi "Il Regolamento di Polizia Veterinaria" (a cura di c. Benazzi e G. Martini), ed Esculapio, 2019

      • Diritto della protezione e produzione animale, G. Peccolo, CLEUP, Padova, 1° ed, 2016
      • Serraino A.,Peli A., De Santis E. P. L., Liuzzo G., Adinolfi F., Ferrarese M.C., Coccollone A., Riu R., Greco M., Scagliarini L., Preciso S., Giacometti F. (2008): “Linee guida per l'applicazione dei requisiti di condizionalità in materia di Ambiente, Sanità Pubblica Salute, Identificazione e Registrazione degli animali, Igiene e Benessere degli animali”. Edagricole, ISBN 978885065294
      • Corbetta L. Corbetta C. (2010): CITES. Edagricole Ed., Milano

Web sites:

  • Il portale dell'Unione Europea: http://europa.eu/index_it.htm
  • La Camera dei deputati: http://www.camera.it
  • Il senato della repubblica: http://www.senato.it/index.htm
  • Normattiva: http://www.normattiva.it/home
  • Demetra: http://demetra.regione.emilia-romagna.it/

Teaching methods

Traditional frontal teaching,

Practical works, use of electronic tool for data base consultation

Discussion of case law of veterinary interest

Assessment methods

oral exam with the discussion of at least two topics regarding both general and special part of the program 

Teaching tools

Data base, PC, draft of lessons, official web sites of EU, national and regional Institutions

MOOC and teaching tools available in web

Office hours

See the website of Angelo Peli


Zero hunger Good health and well-being Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.