69552 - Translation from Italian into Spanish II (First Language)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Antonio Pablo Zamora Munoz
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: L-LIN/07
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The students know the tools (grammar and different types of dictionaries, as well as corpus of parallel and/or comparable texts) and methods (micro and macro-structuring, editing and revision of the target text) of fundamental translation. They are also able to apply these tolls and methods to translate a variety of texts, even complex ones, from Italian to Spanish as their first foreign language. In addition, students are able to identify and apply the most appropriate fundamental translation strategies to the communicative/operational functions of the texts to be translated.

Course contents

During the semester different activities such as the analysis, documentation, translation and review of fragments of filmic texts and their transcription will be carried out. Likewise, some aspects related to translation for dubbing, real social interaction and colloquial register will be studied in depth at the different linguistic levels: phonetic-phonological, lexical-semantic, morphosyntactic and textual-discursive.


Baños, R. (2014). «Orality Markers in Spanish Native and Dubbed Sitcoms: Pretended Spontaneity and Prefabricated Orality». Meta 59 (2), 406-435.

— (2014b). «Insights into the False Orality of Dubbed Fictional Dialogue!». En Media and Traslation: An Interdisciplinay Approach. Dror Abend-David (ed.). 75-95. Bloomsburry Academic: London.

Baños, R. y Chaume, F. (2009). «Prefabricated orality: A challenge in audiovisual translation». En The translation of dialects in multimedia. Michela Giorgio Marrano, Giovanni Nadiani y Chris Rundle (Eds.). InTRAlinea special issue. Bologna: University of Bologna. http://www.intralinea.org/editorial_info

Chaume, F. (2005): «Los estándares de calidad y la recepción de la traducción audiovisual». Puentes 6, 5-12.

Gualdo, R. y Zamora, P. (2019). «Italiano e spagnolo colloquiale a confronto: analisi di un corpus di fiction televisiva». Studi italiani di linguistica teorica e applicata 3: 440-472.

La Forgia, F. y Tonin, R. (2016). «Il parlato delle serie televisive: il caso di Cuéntame e di Boris», Orillas 5, 1-21.

Martí Ferriol, J. L. (2013). El método de traducción. Doblaje y subtitulación frente a frente. Castellò: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I.

Pavesi, M. (2005): La traduzione fílmica. Roma: Carocci.

— (2008). «Spoken language in film dubbing: Target language norms, interference and translational routines». En Between text and image: Updating research in screen translation. Delia Chiaro, Christine Heiss y Chiara Bucaria (eds.). 79–99. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

— (2013). «This and That in the Language of Film Dubbing: A Corpus-Based Analysis». Meta, 58, 103-133.

Pavesi, M. y Formentelli, M. (2019). «Comparing insults across languages in films: Dubbing as cross-cultural mediation». Multilingua 38 (5), 563-582.

Perego, E. e Taylor, C. (2012). Tradurre l’audiovisivo. Roma: Carocci.

Richard, M. (2008). «Las unidades fraseológicas y su resistencia a la traducción». Foro de profesores E/LE 4: 1-10.

Romero, P. (2009). «Naturalness in the Spanisch Dubbing Language: A case of not-so-close Friends», Meta 54/3, 49-72.

Rossi, F. (2007). La lingua italiana e cinema. Roma: Carocci.

Soler Pardo, B. (2012). «Translating and Dubbing Verbal Violence in Reservoir Dogs. Censorship in the Linguistic Transference of Quenti Tarantino’s (swear) Words». The Journal of Specialised Translation 20: 122-133.

— (2014). «Traducción y doblaje: análisis de fuck y su traducción al español de Jackie Brown». Entreculturas 6: 127-139.

— (2015). On the Translation of Swearing into Spanish: Quentin Trarantino from Resservoir to Inglourious Basterds. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Toury, Gideon (1995). Translation Studies and Beyond. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Bejamins.

Valdeón, R. (2011): «Dysfluencies in simulated English dialogue and their neutralization in dubbed Spanish». Perspectives Studies in Translatology 19 (3), 221-232.

— (2020). «Swearing and the vulgarization hypothesis in Spanish audiovisual translation». Journal of Pragmatics 155: 261-272.

Zamora, P. (2014) «Los límites del discurso repetido: la fraseología periférica y las unidades fraseológicas pragmáticas». Verba 41, 213-236.

— (2015): «Pautas de traducción de las unidades fraseológicas tabuizadas». En Fraseología, Didáctica y Traducción. Pedro Mogorrón y Fernando Navarro (eds.). 321-338. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Teaching methods

Both face to face and online learning modalities will be carried out.

The lessons will be eminently practical, so it is advisable to attend regularly (it is compulsory to attend 70% of the classes, which means at least 28 of the 40 teaching hours).

As a general rule, for each new text to be translated, the three phases of analysis, translation and revision will be carried out (in class or individually by the teacher, respecting the previously established deadlines).

In order to carry out this methodoloy, it is essential that the students prepare the translations according to the teacher's instructions and that they have a copy (digital or paper) to use during the class. It is also essential to actively participate in the classroom in the various phases of attendance, showing an attitude of collaboration and cooperation.

Assessment methods

The aim of the exam is to verify the acquisition of an autonomous analytical and translation method as well as of the strategies to be applied according to the type of translation problem and the indications of the translation assignment. The student should also be able to show a high level capacity to express in the target language. Specifically, the exam will consist of a translation of a short excerpt (no more than 350 words) based on the text typologies and/or contents seen during the course along with the translation comments. These comments will include: the main problems located in the original text, the prevailing communicative function, the translation techniques adopted and other possible translation solutions. During the exam, which will last approximately 3 hours, the student is allowed to use monolingual and bilingual dictionaries as well as the material produced during the course, but not automatic translation support. For this reason, the exam will be held in a classroom equipped with computers and Internet connection. The evaluation of the examination will be from 0 to 30 and will be carried out by subtracting points (from a minimum of 0.25 to a maximum of 2, depending on the seriousness of the error) for each error made in the translation under examination. The same system as that used for the correction of translations submitted during the course will be applied. Likewise, the evaluation of translation assignments (individually or in groups) will be added to the mark of the Spanish translation module exam with a maximum of 4 points.

The mark obtained will be averaged out with the Spanish to Italian translation module of the first semester. The overall mark for this subject, therefore, will be calculated by averaging the marks of the tests in the two active and passive translation modules.

Teaching tools

The texts to be translated, as well as the rest of the specific materials discussed in class, will be provided via the Moodle e-learning platform.

Other support and support materials are listed below.

Dictionaries, corpora and online resources:

Arqués / Padoan (2012). Il grande dizionario di spagnolo. Bologna: Zanichelli.

Calvo Rigual / Giordano (2015). Diccionario spagnolo/italiano, español/italiano. Barcelona: Herder

CLAVE, Diccionario de uso del español actual (2002). Madrid: Ediciones SM.

Fundación del Español Urgente (en línea). ‹http://www.fundeu.es/›

Garzanti (2009). Dizionario di spagnolo. Milano: Garzanti Linguistica.

IATE, InterActive Terminology for Europe (en línea). ‹iate.europa.eu›

Moliner, M. (2007) Diccionario de uso del español. Madrid: Gredos (3 ed.).

Real Academia Española (2015). Diccionario de la lengua española, 23.ª ed. ‹http://www.rae.es/obras-academicas/diccionarios/diccionario-de-la-lengua-espanola›

Real Academia Española (en línea). Corpes, Corpus del español del siglo XXI, http://www.rae.es/recursos/banco-de-datos/corpes-xxi›.

Real Academia Española, CREA (en línea). ‹http://www.rae.es/recursos/banco-de-datos/crea›

San Vicente, F. y Morillas, E. (coords) (2014). Cuadernos Aispi, monográfico dedicado a «Oralidad contrastiva español-italiano: aspectos gramaticales, discursivos y textuales», vol. 4, <http://www.aispi.it/magazine/issues/4-slash-2014-oralidad-contrastiva-espanol-italiano-aspectos-gramaticales-discursivos-y-textuales>

Tiberii, P. (2012). Il dizionario delle collocazioni. Bologna: Zanichelli.

Trifone, M. (2013). Il Devoto-Oli dei Sinonimi e Contrari. Milano: Le Monnier.

Zingarelli, N. (2013). Vocabolario della lingua italiana. Bologna: Zanichelli.

Office hours

See the website of Antonio Pablo Zamora Munoz