15950 - Biology and Genetics

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8475)

Learning outcomes

Knowledge of the main cellular functions with emphasis on mechanisms involved in the following processes: expression, duplication and transmission of genetic information, development, cell differentiation and proliferation, cellular interactions between cells.  Knowledge of the transmission and expression of hereditary traits in humans.

Course contents

LIVING SYSTEMS Key features of living systems. The central dogma of biology. The cell theory. WATER AND BIOMOLECULES Biological role of water; carbon in the chemistry of life; structure and biological activity of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. FROM THE GENOTYPE PHENOTYPE The informational molecules. The eukaryotic gene expression: transcription, genetic code and traslation. THE EUKARYOTIC CELL The plasma membrane. Intracellular membrane system: rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosome. The nucleus: chromatine and chromosomes. The mitochondria. MOLECULAR, CELLULAR AND ORGANISM REPRODUCTION. DNA replication. Cell cycle. Mitosis. Meiosis. The gametes in humans.
GENETICS. MONOFACTORIAL INHERITANCE Mendelian laws. Autosomal inheritance. X-linked inheritance. MUTATIONS


Solomon E.P., Berg R.L., Martin D.V. - Elementi di biologia - Ed. EdiSES

two issues edition:

Solomon E.P., Berg R.L., Martin D.V. - Genetica: La continuità della vita - Ed. EdiSES

Solomon E.P., Berg R.L., Martin D.V. – La cellula - Ed. EdiSES

Purves W.K., Sadava D., Orians G.H., Heller H.C. – Elementi di Biologia e Genetica- Ed. Zanichelli

two issues edition:

Purves W.K., Sadava D., Orians G.H., Heller H.C. - L'informazione e l'ereditarietà - Ed. Zanichelli

Purves W.K., Sadava D., Orians G.H., Heller H.C. - La cellula - Ed. Zanichelli)

Campbell NA-Reece JB (Urry, Cane, Wassermann, Minorsky, Jackson) - Biologia e Genetica - ED Pearson 2012

two issues edition:

Campbell-Reece –Biologia. Fascicolo1 La chimica della vita e la cellula – Ed. Pearson Benjiamin Cummings

Campbell-Reece –Biologia. Fascicolo2 La genetica– Ed. Pearson Benjiamin Cummings

Teaching methods

Frontal teaching

Assessment methods

The verification of learning takes place through the final exam, which ascertains the acquisition of the knowledge and skills expected for the courses of Biology, General Genetics and Medical Genetics. The exam will be a written test that can take place, based on restrictions and need to maintain social distancing dictated by the COVID-19 emergency, in two ways. The exam mode will be decided by the teachers based on the dynamic evolution of this situation.

Method 1: written test lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes. The test is based on quizzes with multiple choice answers and open-ended questions for a total of 32 questions divided as follows: 16 questions concerning Biology, 8 questions concerning General Genetics and 8 questions related to Medical Genetics topics. Each correct answer is evaluated one point. The exam is passed if the student has acquired a minimum score of 18 points and has correctly answered at least 8 questions of Biology, 4 of General Genetics and 4 of Medical Genetics.

Method 2: oral exam in telematic mode through the Teams platform. In this test, students will be asked open questions with short answers. The criteria for passing the test will not change.

Teaching tools

Light board and PC to show drawings and diagrams taken from texts and scientific articles, and short films.

Office hours

See the website of Cinzia Zucchini