84881 - Italian Linguistics L (CL1)

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Course contents

Italian Linguistics L (5 credits, 40 hours, 1st term). Syntax of the Complex Sentence: complex contents are connected in texts by logical relations that are expressed by structures and connectives with different functional and pragmatic features: in this perspective, we will analyse the ways in which the main semantic relationships that are characteristic of inter-clausal linkage are realized at the morpho-syntactic level. These relationships belong to the following classes: causal (semantic subtypes and consecutio temporum), conditional (different hypothetical levels) and concessive-adversative (semantics, syntax and pragmatics).


REFERENCES (the papers are contained in the Dispensa)

Mazzoleni, M. (1991), Prospettiva funzionale di frase e rilievo informativo nei costrutti ipotattici: due diversi livelli di analisi, in “Lingua e stile” XXVI/2, pp. 151-165.

Mazzoleni, M. (1993), Connettori ed analisi testuale, in V. Bonini e M. Mazzoleni (a cura di), L’italiano (e altre lingue): strumenti e modelli di analisi, Pavia, Iuculano, pp. 133-154.

Mazzoleni, M. (1994), La semantica della scelta modale nei condizionali italiani, in “Revue Romane” 29/1, pp. 17-32.

Mazzoleni, M. (1996), I costrutti concessivi, in M. Prandi (a cura di), La subordinazione non completiva. Un frammento di grammatica filosofica, “Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata” XXV/1 (N.S.), pp. 47-65.

Prandi, M. (1993), Problemi teorici di un capitolo della grammatica: l’analisi del periodo, in V. Bonini e M. Mazzoleni (a cura di), L’italiano (e altre lingue): strumenti e modelli di analisi, Pavia, Iuculano, pp. 99-132.

Prandi, M. (1996), Introduzione. Grammatica filosofica e analisi del periodo, in M. Prandi (a cura di), La subordinazione non completiva. Un frammento di grammatica filosofica, “Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata” XXV/1 (N.S.), pp. 1-27.

Previtera, L. (1996), I costrutti causali, in M. Prandi (a cura di), La subordinazione non completiva. Un frammento di grammatica filosofica, “Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata” XXV/1 (N.S.). pp. 29-46.



For those who have experienced specific difficulties, in addition to the direct contact with the teacher it is advised the study of M. Prandi (2013), L’analisi del periodo, Roma, Carocci (Bussole, 467), and / or of Part II, section IV, chapters 1-4 and 7, pp. 447-458, 463-478 and 531f. of M. Prandi (1991), Grammatica della lingua italiana per le scuole medie superiori, Torino, Petrini, and / or of the relevant parts of M. Prandi (2006), Le regole e le scelte. Introduzione alla grammatica italiana, Torino, UTET.

Teaching methods

Interactive, classroom lectures with practical exercises, depending on class numbers and the type and size of the assigned classroom. As for all non-elective courses, students must attend at least 70% of the lessons.

Assessment methods

In the final written exam (time: 2 hours – except for the time of Covid-19) students will perform the analysis of a series of bi-clausal constructions in a text or in a complete and coherent textual fragment. Each bi-clausal construction must be analysed in a synthetic manner

a) at the semantic level: type and sub-type of the relation (coded by the sender or inferenced by the addressee) expressed between the two propositions;

b) at the morpho-syntactic level: kind of structure (coordination / parataxis vs. subordination / hypotaxis) connecting the two clauses or text fragments and morpho-syntactic category (coordinating or subordinating conjunction, adverbial or “4th type” connector) and “operating sense” (diaphoric, anaphoric, cataphoric) of the connector/s in bold;

c) at the functional-pragmatic level: thematic position and/or givenness and rhematic position and/or newness of each of the two clauses or text fragments and (where applicable) foregrounded and backgrounded propositions.

Non-Italian native speakers are allowed to use mono- and bi-lingual dictionaries.

The overall mark for the course of Linguistics II (i.c.) will be calculated on the basis of the average of the two marks obtained in the assessments of the modules that make up the course: Italian Linguistics L (Prof. Mazzoleni) and Applied Linguistics (Prof. Bersani Berselli).

The mark of the written exam of the module Italian Linguistics L will be calculated by applying the following definitions of ECTS Grading Scale (cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECTS_grading_scale):

A [≈ 30/30 – 30/30 cum laude]: outstanding performance with only minor errors;

B [≈ 27/30 – 29/30]: above the average standard but with some errors;

C [≈ 24/30 – 26/30]: generally sound work with a number of notable errors;

D [≈ 21/30 – 23/30]: fair but with significant shortcomings;

E [≈ 18/30 – 20/30]: performance meets the minimum criteria;

F [≈ 15/30 – 17/30]: Fail – some more work required before the credit can be awarded;

FX [≈ 0/30 – 14/30]: Fail – considerable further work is required.

Teaching tools

Papers, texts to be analyzed, books.

Office hours

See the website of Marco Mazzoleni


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.