82043 - Specialized Translation from Italian into German

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Eva Wiesmann
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: L-LIN/14
  • Language: German
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Specialized translation (cod. 9174)

Learning outcomes

The student - knows the strategies, techniques, traditional and state-of-the-art tools and methods used in specialized translation tasks - is able to apply them to the translation of technical and scientific texts from different genres and text types, from Italian into German, meeting specific translation briefs and respecting the communicative functions of the source texts - knows the main techniques required for information mining, drafting, editing and revising texts, including the overall quality evaluation of the translated text

Course contents

The course is divided into two parts, namely translation into German (second semester, 40 hours) and translation into Italian (first semester, 40 hours). The part which deals with translation into German aims to introduce students to legal translation, and in particular to the translation of civil and civil procedure law texts. Students will know the cultural, linguistic and disciplinary aspects of these texts and learn how to give due weight to textual and extra-textual factors affecting translation methods. They will also be able to evaluate the translation quality and carry out the necessary revisions. Particular emphasis will be placed on translation methods and on strategies for acquiring the disciplinary knowledge necessary for understanding and translating legal texts and on mastering the their linguistic features. Students will also gain experience in all the resources available to the legal translator (handbooks, laws, specialised dictionaries, terminological databases, comparable texts, corpora, etc.). In addition, there will be lectures and workshops organised by the Specialised Translation seminar series (http://moodle.sslmit.unibo.it/course/view.php?id=376).


Language and Law

Necessary readings

Cavagnoli, Stefania / Toniolo, Silvia / Voltmer, Leonhard (2014): Einführung in die italienische Rechtssprache. München: Beck. (capitolo 1: Introduzione al mestiere)

Kindler, Peter (32019): Einführung in das italienische Recht. München: Beck, (capitoli: System der Rechtsquellen, Gerichtsverfassung und Zivilprozessrecht, Rechtsgeschäfte und subjektive Rechte, Allgemeines Vertragsrecht, Rechtssubjekte und Personenrecht, Sachenrecht, Allgemeines Schuldrecht)

Thormann, Isabelle / Hausbrandt, Jana (2016): Rechtssprache klar und verständlich für Dolmetscher, Übersetzer, Germanisten und andere Nichtjuristen. Berlin: BDÜ Fachverlag. (capitoli 1: Charakteristika der Fachsprache Recht, 2.1: Rechtsgebiete, 2.2: Gerichtsbarkeiten, 2.4: Institutionen der Rechtspflege, 2.5: Urkunde, 2.8: Privatrecht, Bürgerliches Recht, BGB)

Vagni, Laura (2009): "Nozioni di diritto privato e terminologia giuridica", in: Cavagnoli, Stefania / Ioratti Ferrari, Elena (a cura di) (2009): Tradurre il diritto. Nozioni di diritto e di linguistica giuridica. Padova: CEDAM, 61-119.

Visconti, Jacqueline (2013): "Il testo scritto: il contratto". In: Mariani Marini, Alarico / Bambi, Federigo (a cura di) (2013): Lingua e diritto. Scritto e parlato nelle professioni legali. Pisa: University Press, 121-132.

Wiesmann, Eva (2006): “Zur Vagheit in Vertragstexten: Rechtliche Funktionen und übersetzungsrelevante Dimensionen vager Wörter und Wortverbindungen”. In: Gotti, Maurizio / Šarčević, Susan (eds.): Insights into Specialized Translation. Linguistic Insights. Studies in Language and Communication 46. Bern: Lang, 289-311.

Wiesmann, Eva (2004): Rechtsübersetzung und Hilfsmittel zur Translation. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und computergestützte Umsetzung eines lexikographischen Konzepts. Tübingen: Narr. (capitoli 1.1: Rechtssprache, 1.2: Rechtstexte)

Recommanded readings

Schlüter-Ellner, Corinna (2011): Juristendeutsch verständlich gemacht und Treffende Verben in der deutschen Rechtssprache. Berlin: BDÜ Fachverlag.

Simon, Heike / Funk-Baker, Gisela (20166): Deutsche Rechtssprache. Ein Studien- und Arbeitsbuch. München: Beck.

Simon, Heike / Funk-Baker, Gisela (20104): Einführung in das deutsche Recht und die deutsche Rechtssprache. München: Beck.

Further readings

Bunge, Jürgen (2008): Zivilprozess und Zwangsvollstreckung in Frankreich und Italien. Eine systematische Darstellung mit Glossaren und Bibliographien. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.

Cavagnoli, Stefania / Ioratti Ferrari, Elena (a cura di) (2009): Tradurre il diritto. Nozioni di diritto e di linguistica giuridica. Padova: CEDAM.

Kühne, Carolin (2002): Die gesetzliche Form der Rechtsgeschäfte im deutschen und italienischen Recht. Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung. Saarbrücker Studien zum Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht 27. Frankfurt: Lang.

Mariani Marini, Alarico / Bambi, Federigo (a cura di) (2013): Lingua e diritto. Scritto e parlato nelle professioni legali. Pisa: University Press.

Mortara Garavelli, Bice (2001): Le parole e la giustizia. Divagazioni grammaticali e retoriche su testi giuridici italiani. Torino: Einaudi.

Reiter, Christian (2002): Vertrag und Geschäftsgrundlage im deutschen und italienischen Recht. Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung. Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht 89. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Simonnaes, Ingrid (2015): Basiswissen deutsches Recht für Übersetzer. Mit Übersetzungsübungen und Verständnisfragen. Berlin: Frank & Timme.

Wagnerová, Marina / Sander, Gerald (Hgg.) (2013): Die Rechtssprache in der internationalen Diskussion. SMOEI. Hamburg: Kovač.

Legal translation

Necessary readings

de Groot, Gerard-René (1999): "Zweisprachige juristische Wörterbücher". In: Sandrini, Peter (Hg.) (1999): Übersetzen von Rechtstexten. Fachkommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Rechtsordnung und Sprache. Tübingen: Narr, 203-227.

Wiesmann, Eva (2004): Rechtsübersetzung und Hilfsmittel zur Translation. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und computergestützte Umsetzung eines lexikographischen Konzepts. Tübingen: Narr. (capitolo 1.3: Rechtsübersetzung)

Recommanded readings

Wiesmann, Eva (2018): „Salvo und seine deutschen Entsprechungen. Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Sprachgebrauch in italienischen, deutschen und Schweizer Rechtstexten und ihren Übersetzungen“. In: Parallèles 30(1)/2018, 83-102. www.paralleles.unige.ch/index/Paralleles_30-1_2018.pdf (08.05.2018)

Further readings

Biel, Łucja / Engberg, Jan (ed.) (2013): Research models and methods in legal translation . LINGUISTICA ANTVERPIENSIA NEW SERIES 12/2013, 54-70. https://lans-tts.uantwerpen.be/index.php/LANS-TTS/article/view/232.

de Groot, Gerard-René / Schulze, Reiner (Hgg.) (1999): Recht und Übersetzen. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Ioriatti Ferrari, Elena (a cura di) (2008): Interpretazione e traduzione del diritto. Atti del Convegno tenuto a Trento presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza il 30 novembre 2007. Padova: Cedam.

Megale, Fabrizio (2008): Teorie della traduzione giuridica. Fra diritto comparato e Translation Studies. Napoli: Editoriale scientifica.

Sandrini, Peter (Hg.) (1999): Übersetzen von Rechtstexten. Fachkommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Rechtsordnung und Sprache. Tübingen: Narr.

Šarčević, Susan (1997): New approach to legal translation. The Hague: Kluwer Law International.

Schena, Leandro / Snel Trampus, Rita (a cura di) (2002): Traduttori e giuristi a confronto. Interpretazione traducente e comparazione del discorso giuridico. Vol. II. Bologna: CLUEB.

Simonnaes, Ingrid / Kristiansen, Marita (2019): Legal translation. Current Issues and Challenges in Research, Methods and Applications. Berlin, Frank & Timme.

Udvari, Lucia (2013): Einführung in die Technik der Rechtsübersetzung vom Italienischen ins Deutsche. Berlin: Frank & Timme.

Translators resources

Printed resources

Benke, Nikolaus / Meissel, Franz-Stefan / Luggauer, Karl (2010): Juristenlatein. 2800 lateinische Fachausdrücke und Redewendungen der Juristensprache. München: Beck.

Bertozzi, Paride (2009): Dizionario dei brocardi e dei latinismi giuridici. Milano: Ipsoa.

Bullo, Francesca et al. (2003): Terminologisches Wörterbuch zum Vertragsrecht italienisch / deutsch. Dizionario terminologico del diritto dei contratti italiano / tedesco. München: Beck.

Ciola, Bruno et al. (2000): Terminologisches Wörterbuch zum Gesellschaftsrecht italienisch / deutsch. Dizionario terminologico del diritto societario italiano / tedesco. München: Beck.

Conte, Giuseppe / Boss, Hans (62020): Dizionario giuridico ed economi­co / Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirt­schafts­spra­che. 1 Italiano-Tedesco / Italienisch-Deutsch. Milano: Giuffrè.

Creifelds Rechtswörterbuch (222017). München: Beck.

Enciclopedia Garzanti del Diritto (32009). Milano: Garzanti.

Enciclopedia Garzanti dell'Economia (2011). Milano: Garzanti.

Favata, Angelo (322013): Dizionario dei termini giuridici. Piacenza: La Tribuna.

Galgano, Francesco (1996): Dizionario enciclopedico del diritto. Vol. I: A-L, Vol. II: M-Z. Padova: CEDAM.

Internationales Institut für Rechts- und Verwaltungssprache (Hg.) (1989): Staats- und Verwaltungsorganisation. Organizzazione costituzionale e amministrativa. Handbuch der internationalen Rechts- und Verwaltungssprache. Köln: Heymanns.

Köbler, Gerhard (22004): Rechtsitalienisch. Deutsch-italienisches und italienisch-deutsches Rechtswörter­buch für jedermann. München: Vahlen.

Maganzi Gioeni d'Angiò, Francesca et al. (2001): Terminologisches Wörterbuch zum Schuldrecht italienisch / deutsch. Dizionario terminologico del diritto delle obbligazioni italiano / tedesco. München: Beck.

Mori, Edoardo (72011): Dizionario dei termini giuridici e dei brocardi latini. Piacenza: La Tribuna.

Münchener Vertragshandbuch Gesamt-CD-ROM (2016). München: Beck.

Patti, Salvatore (22011): Codice Civile Italiano. Italienisches Zivilgesetzbuch. Gesetzestext-Synopse / Testo sinottico. München / Milano: Beck / Giuffrè.

Taino, Piergiulio (2006): Fachwörterbuch und CD-ROM Wirtschaft, Finanzen und Handel. Italienisch – Deutsch / Deutsch – Italienisch. München / Bologna: Langenscheidt / Zanichelli.

Tilch, Horst / Arloth, Frank (Hgg.) (32001): Deutsches Rechts-Lexikon. In drei Bänden. München: Beck.

Troike Strambaci, Hannelore / Strambaci, Luca / Helffrich Mariani, Elisabeth G. (32015): Vocabolario del Diritto e dell’Economia / Wör­ter­buch für Recht und Wirtschaft. 2 Italiano-Tedesco / Ita­lienisch-Deutsch. Milano/München: Giuffrè/Beck.

Online resources





Laws and judgements







http://www.overlex.com [http://www.overlex.com/]

















http://www.meinrechtsportal.de/latein/?latein =

Terminological databases



Teaching methods

Lessons take place mainly in workshop-like mode, but also in lecture mode.

During the lectures, the theoretical-methodological elements that form the basis of the translation will be addressed and the resources available to the legal translator for the acquisition of specialist knowledge and the relative linguistic devices will be introduced.

The workshops will focus mainly on the discussion in class of the translations carried out individually at home and, to a lesser extent, on the collective execution of translations under the supervision of the lecturer. During the discussion, feedback will be provided on the main translation problems and the methodology will be improved.

Translations will be carried out with the aid of print and electronic resources for legal translators, as well as dedicated software programs and translation tools (word processing programs, text analysis tools, CAT-tools).

Before dealing with translation, it is essential to read the texts indicated in the bibliography as necessary readings.

Compulsory course attendance: 70%.

Assessment methods

Individual learning progress will be assessed through a regular evaluation of translations carried out individually at home and by an interim test (translation of a text of 250 words, with 1 hour and 30 minutes available).

All students will undergo a final exam (translation of a text of 400 words, with 2 hours and 30 minutes available). The final mark will be the average between the mark obtained in the first part and the mark obtained in the second part of the course (Specialized Translation from German into Italian).

During all translation tests into German (which will be carried out in classrooms equipped with print and electronic resources), students may use all the resources that they are familiar with.

The test texts will be the same text types that were explored during the course.

In all the tests, the adequacy and correctness of the translation will be assessed. The evaluation will take into account both positive and negative elements. For the latter, the categories of errors are sense, terminology, non-terminological vocabulary, phraseology, grammar, textual conventions, omissions, unjustified additions.

The mark 30 is only justified when the errors are limited to the categories of non-terminological vocabulary, phraseology, grammar and textual conventions.

The test is considered failed in case of errors leading to the non-usability of the translation. The usability of the translation is affected especially in case of serious errors of sense.

The mark 18 is assigned to translations which, although there are errors in all the categories indicated, are still usable.

Teaching tools

Personal computers, beamers.

Internet, search engines.

Online resources: electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias, terminological data bases, laws.

Printed resources: handbooks, printed dictionaries and encyclopedias.

All course materials will be made available on the Moodle e-learning platform (http://moodle.sslmit.unibo.it/course/view.php?id=977).

Office hours

See the website of Eva Wiesmann