- Docente: Alessandro Bevilacqua
- Credits: 6
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Cesena
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Computer Science and Engineering (cod. 8614)
Learning outcomes
To form engineers capable to design advanced real-world systems for automatic image sequence and video analyses in a number of application fields, including machine vision, automotive, security, aerospace imaging, medical and biomedical imaging. At the end of the course, students:
- know and are capable to apply advanced techniques for 2D and 3D and image and video processing analyses for quality enhancement, information extraction, automation and control
- know how to design and realized computer vision systems to solve real problems in different application field, for industrial or scientific purposes
- know how to apply the acquired skills to realize complex image processing and analyses algorithms, using commercial and open source libraries
- own the basic tools to autonomously work out and widen her/his knowledge as regards the topics of the Course
- know how to write a technical report and to present the outcomes
- know how to translate the computer vision solutions into the job market
Course contents
Definition of Computer Vision. Definition of image processing and analysis system. Some applications: smart video surveillance (video analytics); people tracking for behaviour analysis; automatic event detection and analysis in traffic monitoring; automatic vehicle guidance, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and satellite attitude control; medical (CT, MR, …) and biomedical (microscopic cell cultures and histological samples) image analysis; automatic measurements and quality control in machine vision; robotics and 3D scene reconstruction.
Image formation
Image types: photographic, thermal, radiographic images. Gray levels and colour channels. Image formation process and system and digitalization. Optical device: lens, aberration, focus, iris. Radiometry: radiance and irradiance. Vignetting detection and correction. Quantization, radiometric resolution and dynamic range. Camera Response Function (RF). Image acquisition and sampling process. Spatial resolution and Point Spread Function (PSF). Images from non optical devices.
Camera model and geometric transform
Shot geometry: sensor position and perspectives. World, camera, image coordinate systems. Geometric operations and transforms: interpolation, scaling, rotation, translation, affine, perspective deformation. Camera parameters and geometric calibration: intrinsics and extrinsics. Weak and strong perspective model. Homographies and perspective matrix. Patterns and calibration techniques. Laboratory: camera calibration.
Scene segmentation
Histogram definition, property and shape. Cumulative histogram. Histogram's use in image processing and analysis. Segmentation of stationary scenes. Outdoor and indoor segmentation: shadow and reflection. Gradient-based segmentation and Hough transform. Object segmentation: fixed and adaptive thresholding. Color based segmentation, split and merge, watershed, non- parametric k-means. Labelling. Applications: computer graphics, automatic object detection, automatic light condition stabilization.
Pattern recognition and image analysis with multidimensional data
Recall of probability and statistics for data analysis. Probability density and distribution function. 2D Gaussian function. Decision theory and multivariate data classification. Automatic image feature extraction. Photometrical, geometrical, statistical features. Principle of texture analysis and moments. Multidimensional features and dimensionality reduction techniques. Supervised classification and clustering. Proximity measures. Bayesian classification, MAP and MLE. Automatic object recognition. Applications: automatic object detection and recognition, machine vision.
Video and image sequence analysis
Acquisition technologies, video format and codecs. Automatic motion detection and analysis: frame differencing, background modelling and updating. Segmentation of moving objects. Random sampling algorithms. Optical flow and Lucas-Kanade corner extraction and tracking. Coarse-to-fine (pyramidal) approach. Parametric motion modelling. Feature extraction and tracking: classical and modern trackers and their applications. Automatic features and object tracking. Semantic labelling. Applications: security, automatic event detection, quality control, machine vision. Image stabilization.
Multiple view geometry and scene reconstruction
Image registration techniques and pattern matching. Image registration: local and global methods. Image mosaicing: frame-to-frame and frame-to-mosaic registration. Dead reckoning and looping path problem. Image warping, interpolation and blending. 3D stereopsis: principles and techniques. Feature based and dense stereoscopy. Epipolar geometry. Stereo system calibration and image rectification. Attitude and pose recovery of moving cameras. 3D image formation from multiple 2D images. 3D scene reconstruction from single monocular camera. Applications: computer graphics, image metrology and automatic static and dynamic object measurements, automatic vehicle guidance and control. Panorama.
Real world computer vision systems: case studies in collaboration with leading companies in automotive, manufacturing, medical fields.
Experimental characterization of camera RF and PSF. High dynamic range imaging. Calibration of a stereo couple. Real time image mosaicing. Detection and tracking of moving objects. 3D scene reconstruction from multiple views.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons and practice in lab. Each topic will be treated jointly with significant case studies developed in lab to highlight its meaningful applications. In order to make the students aware of the different topics, many homework exercises will be proposed and publicly corrected afterwards in labs.
Assessment methods
The students will be evaluated on the basis of homeworks assigned at the end of the main lectures (12/30), a computer vision project (15/30), developed either alone or in a small team, and an oral examination (3/30) regarding the most theoretical aspects of the topics presented. Honours will be marked when proving to use effectively the computer vision theory on a practical problem.
Teaching tools
In the teaching material section all the slides shown in class are available for download as well as the software tools for practice in lab.
Links to further information
Office hours
See the website of Alessandro Bevilacqua

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.