Academic Year 2019/2020

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop the student: - is able to move autonomously in applying the specific techniques learned autonomously or within projects organized by the institutions; - can discuss with other subjects on the methods of use and documentation of the techniques learned; - can place the specific knowledge learned in different types of service; - can assess the limits and merits of the technical instruments learned; - can transfer the technologies learned in different contexts by making personal changes and additions.

Course contents

Psychosocial aspects of group dynamics

Group life is characterized by many phenomena that regulate the relations between members; these phenomena influence the communication modalities and have consequences on group productivity and on the internal climate. This workshop will address some important issues in group life, such as active listening to others, empathy and role-taking processes, verbal and non-verbal communication, roles, status and group norms, the influence of stereotypes in relationships with others, group decision-making processes. These themes will be carried out through active didactic methods that include exercises, group discussions, short theoretical inputs.


G. Speltini (2002), Stare in gruppo, Bologna, Il Mulino

D. Malaguti (2007), Fare squadra, Bologna, Il Mulino

Teaching methods

The laboratory will use active teaching. The topics will be addressed with exercises, group discussions and only partially there will be brief theoretical input from the teacher on the phenomena analyzed.

Laboratory participants are asked to respect punctuality as much as possible, for the type of method used.

Assessment methods

The student will be asked to provide a brief report on the significance of the work carried out during the workshop.

Teaching tools

The laboratory will use both paper-pencil and dynamic exercises as main tools.

Office hours

See the website of Giuseppina Speltini