29424 - Seminars (1) (LM) (G.B)

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Guido Panvini
  • Credits: 6
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History and Oriental Studies (cod. 8845)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the lessons and by means of meetings and discussions with scholars and experts, the student is able to collect and organize complex information in a coherent form; is able to apply methodologies of analysis, of preservation and promotion of historical memory; is able to identify a relevant research problem and to select and use in an appropriate way the sources necessary to analyse it.

Course contents

Terrorism and Political Violence in Cold War Italy (30 hours)


The series of seminars is part of the research project “Bologna in the Strategy of Tension”. The seminars will tackle the issues of political violence and terrorism in Cold War Italy. Seminars will be organized according to the following main issues: 1) the long-term dimension of political violence and terrorism; 2) the importance of the international context; 3) the interaction between political, economic and social transformations and their effects on the main political cultures of the country; 4) the scientific debate on terrorism; 5) the problem of the archives and the methodology for studying terrorism.


Detailed outline:

1. The post-war era

2. The military dimension of Cold War in Europe and its repercussions on the Italian Republic

3. Public Order and Social Conflict

4. “Family Albums”

5. Right-wing parties and movements, Neo-Fascism, Radical Right and Subversive Right

6. 1968 and the problem of violence: between global protest and Italian context

7. Terrorist massacres and military coup

8. The birth of the Left-Wing Armed Struggle

9. The consequences of the 1973 Oil Crisis and the Opposition to the Historic Compromise

10. Social Movements, widespread political violence and terrorism: the institutions response

11. The kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro

12. The terrorist massacres in the 1980s

13. The crisis of the Left-Wing Armed Struggle

14. Italian Terrorism seen from outside

15. Conclusions: the centrality of the archives between public history and the distortions of memory


The bibliography will be completed by the study of essays and documents previously uploaded via internet during each seminar. The student will have to choose one of the texts among those indicated in the mandatory readings and one essay among the further readings.

1. Mandatory readings:

Guido Formigoni, Storia d’Italia nella guerra fredda, 1943-1978, il Mulino, Bologna 2016.

Giovanni Mario Ceci, Il terrorismo italiano. Storia di un dibattito, Carocci, Roma 2013.

2. Further readings:

Andrea Baravelli, Istituzioni e terrorismo negli anni Settanta, Viella, Roma 2016 (cap. 2)

Emmanuel Betta, Memorie in conflitto. Autobiografie della lotta armata, «Contemporanea», 4, 2009, pp. 673-701.

Anna Bravo, Un equilibrio fragile: le donne tra libertà e violenza, in Marc Lazar, Marie-Anne Matard-Bonucci (a cura di), Il libro degli anni di piombo, Rizzoli, Milano 2010, pp. 71-87.

Patrizia Dogliani, La polizia di Stato alla nascita della Repubblica: ordine pubblico e Stato di diritto (1944-1960), in Patrizia Dogliani, Marie-Anne Matard-Bonucci (a cura di), Democrazia insicura. Violenze, repressioni e Stato di diritto nella storia della Repubblica (1945-1995), Donzelli, Roma 2017, pp. 49-92.

Luca Falciola, Il movimento del 1977 in Italia, Carocci, Roma 2015, pp. 196-253.

Alessio Gagliardi, Il 77 tra storia e memoria, manifestolibri, Roma 2017.

Monica Galfré, La guerra è finita. L’Italia e l’uscita dal terrorismo 1980-1987, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2014, pp. 75-123.

Miguel Gotor (a cura di), Aldo Moro. Lettere dalla prigionia, Einaudi, Torino 2007, pp. XI-XXVII.

Italia 1977: ambivalenze di una modernità, «mondo contemporaneo», 1, 2014 (one article among those indicated in the index).

Marc Lazar, Gli anni di piombo: una guerra civile? in Marc Lazar, Marie-Anne Matard-Bonucci (a cura di), Il libro degli anni di piombo, Rizzoli, Milano 2010, pp. 157-173.

Valentine Lomellini (a cura di), Il mondo della guerra fredda e l’Italia degli anni di piombo, Le Monnier – Mondadori Education, Milano 2017, pp. 111-281 (an essay to be chosen among those present in the index and indicated in the pages).

Salvatore Lupo, La guerra civile immaginata. Un dilemma dell’Italia repubblicana, «Meridiana», 76, 2013, pp. 9-30.

Simone Neri Serneri, Contesti e strategie della violenza e della militarizzazione nella sinistra radicale, in Simone Neri Serneri (a cura di), Verso la lotta armata. La politica della violenza nella sinistra radicale degli anni Settanta, il Mulino, Bologna 2012, pp. 11-62.

Guido Panvini, Ordine nero, guerriglia rossa. La violenza politica nell’Italia degli anni Sessanta e Settanta (1966-1975), Einaudi, Torino 2009, pp. 107-180.

Guido Panvini, Cattolici e violenza politica. L’altro album di famiglia del terrorismo italiano, Marsilio, Venezia 2014, pp. 139-192.

Marica Tolomelli, Terrorismo e società. Il pubblico dibattito in Italia e in Germania, il Mulino, Bologna 2006, pp. 249-270.

Angelo Ventura (pref. di Carlo Fumian) Per una storia del terrorismo italiano, Donzelli, Roma 2010, pp. 137-174.

Teaching methods

The organization backbone of the course consists of weekly two-hour lectures with extensive student participation. Each week, students also prepare for the lecture by studying the documents, the material and the reading chapters previously uploaded via internet.

Assessment methods

Students who attend at least 75% of the lessons are considered to be attending.

To achieve 6 credits, the student is expected to pass the following assignments: 1) to follow a number of seminars for a total of 24 hours (12 seminars on 15). The students will take care to collect the teacher's signature for each seminar attended (a specific form is available via internet). 2) A written critical essay on the topics addressed in the seminars. The essay should not exceed a minimum of 20,000 characters (10 pages, footnotes and spaces included) or a maximum of 30,000 characters (15 pages, footnotes and spaces included). In addition to one of the mandatory readings, students can choose a text from the further reading list. Students will also refer to the documents and materials used during the seminars (which will be uploaded via internet). The analytical essay should indicate the name and surname, the course of study, the student ID and the e-mail address. The essay must be submitted within 2 months the conclusion of the seminars. The essay can be delivered in paper format or as a PDF document attached to an email.

The assessment will take into account also the active participation of the students during the seminars.

The teacher will proceed with the correction of the analytical essay and, if he approves the contents, he will sign it at the bottom by adding "Approved" (if presented in paper format), or he will send an email in which he will communicate the evaluation (if presented by e-mail).

To proceed with the registration the student will have to contact prof. Guido Panvini (guido.panvini@unibo.it ) bringing with him the form with the signatures, the approved essay or the copies of the email attesting the evaluation)

Teaching tools

Teaching tools

Powerpoint Presentations, PC

Teaching materials such as audiovisual and digital sources, films and documentaries

Office hours

See the website of Guido Panvini