03467 - Endocrinology (L-Z)

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes are the following:1) understanding the phyiological basis of the hormone secretion and of the growth of the endocrine cells; 2) understanding the basis of the hormonal hyper and hyposecretion and of the pathological growth of the endocrine tumors including sporadic and familial tumors, to generate diagnois and appropriate therapy3) understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms leading to the development and maintenance of metabolic diseases as obesity, gout, hyperlipidaemiasand diabetes; 4) understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms leading to the development and maintenance of bone metabolic diseases as osteoprosis, hypercalciuriaand Paget;5) critically reading and knowing scientific literature in the field of endocrinology and metabolism 6) critically applying the current knowledgement to a more tailored approach to the diagnosis and therapy of endocrinological patients

Course contents

1) The endocrine system: introduction, hormone classification, hormone resistance 2) Hyophalamic-pituitary diseases: hyper and hypopituitarism, pituitary adenomas, endocrine evaluation of pituitary axes.
3) Thyroid diseases: thyroid nodule, goiter,thyroid carcinomas,thyroiditis,hyper and hypothyroidism.endocrine evaluation of thyroid function
4) Parathyroid diseases, alterations of calcium metabolism, hyper and hypoparathyroidism, osteoporosis
5) Metabolic bone diseases: Paget
6) Adrenal diseases:congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hypo and hypercorticism, adrenal incidentalomas, pheocromocytomas,endocrine evaluation ofadrenal function
7) Endocrine hypertension: hyperladosteronisms.
8)Male hypogonadism, infertility and erectile dysfunction. Endocrine evaluation of the testis. Klinefelter syndrome.
9) Ovary diseases: polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocrine evaluation of the ovary.
10)Turner syndrome.
11)Neuroendocrine tumorsMEN-1 e MEN-2
12)Growth defects, alterations of the puberty
13) Polyendocrinopathies,paraneoplastci syndrome(SIADH).
14) Diabetes insipidus 15) Type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus. Acute and chronic alterations associated to diabetes.Hypoglycaemia.
16) Alterations of lipid metabolism
17) Gout 18) Fodd intake control. Adipose tissue distribution and function. Monogenic cuases of obesity. Endocrione causes of obesity. Metabolic syndrome. Binge eating disorders, Anorexia.
For all topics, notions about therapy is included


Books suggested:
(1) Lenzi, Lombardi, Martino, Vigneri. Endocrinologia Clinica. Ed Minerva Medica

(2) Williams Textbook of Endocrinology

(3) Faglia G, Beck-Peccoz P. Malattie del sistema endocrino e del metabolismo. 4a Edizione. The McGraw-Hill Comp.

(4) Giugliano, Colao, Riccardi Endocrinologia, Malattie del Metabolismo Idelson-Gnocchi Editore

(5) Endocrinologia Clinica di Ziliotto D - Piccin-Nuova Libraria

(6) Camanni F., Ghigo E. Malattie del sistema endocrino e del metabolismo Ed. Edi-Ermes 4° Edizione

(7) Boscaro M. Guida Pratica di Endocrinologia Piccin Editore 1° edizione

Teaching methods

The course in Endocrinology and Metabolism is composed by frontal oral lectures with presentation of some depicted clinical cases.

At the end of each lecture the slides presented during the lecture will be given in the ppt format. The whole set of slides represents the basis to prepare the exam, however an integration with a textbook is warmly suggested. For the title of the books suggested see "TEXT" session.

Assessment methods

The assessment is oral in front of a commission composed byProf Bazzoli, Prof.Festiand collaborators for the Gastroenterology partand by Dr. Pagotto and collaborators for the Endocrinology and Metabolism parts.

The final note derives from the median of thetwo single notes obtained in Gastroenterology and Endocrinology.

Teaching tools

Lecture slides and textbook.

Office hours

See the website of Uberto Pagotto