65860 - Methods of Molecular Genetics for the Improvement of Livestock Production

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Roberta Davoli
  • Credits: 3
  • SSD: AGR/17
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Safety and Quality in Animal Production (cod. 8521)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will learn the basis of molecular genetics and the corresponding applications to the zootechnical fields. Arguments concerning in particular the procedures and the main technologies of functional and structural genomics to identify genes controlling productive and reproductive traits of farm animals will be developed in sinthesys . Moreover the opportunities and the perspectives deriving from the application of biotechnolgies for the analysis of genes and genomes of farm animals to improve the efficiency of selection will be considered with particular attention to the improvement of the quality of animal products

Course contents

Prerequisites - The student approaching to this teaching should  already know the aspects concerning the basis of structure and functions of genes and of genetic materials of the cells in addition to the essential basis of statistical metodology, the basis of quantitative genetics and  basis  of methods of genetic selection. Moreover it's necessary that the stucent can be able to read  the written english  to allow the comprehension and understanding  of the slides that the teacher will utilise during the lessons

Programme of the module-

1.Molecular genetics applied to animal productions: the tools and the aims. Mention on DNA structure Gene structure. RNA. The genetic code, Transcription of genes. .  Outline on Gene mapping: update on mapped genes in the main specie of zootechnical interest. PCR technique- PCR RFLP -

2.Genome variability SNP search and use of markers  to study quantitative traits in farm animals .DNA polymorphisms microsatellites, SNP , Search of genes through the  Candidate gene approach., Gene markers . RFLP- CNV -Use DNA Chip.

3. Candidate gene approach . Use of genetic markers to improve the traits Methods of identification of genetic markers  and examples

4.Short  description of Microarray methods to analyse RNA . Micro RNA and short RNA - Method to analyse RNA through RNA Seq and Real time PCR . Gene expression studies to identify genes responsible for quantitative traits in farm animals

5.QTL search and fine mapping to find genesand markers   mapping in QTL regions  - Genome Scan . Linkage Equilibrium and Linkage Disequilibrium.  SNP Chip.GWAS analysis in genomic selection for livestock.  QTL( Quantitative Trait Loci).

6. Search of QTLs for traits of economic relevance. Use of QTL and candidate genesfor marker assisted selection. Major genes for milk and  meat production. Genes usefull for  animal product quality.Use of genetic marker for animal identification, kinship control and traceability .

7. Short talks on DNA analysis to find genes controlling defetcs and pathologies in farm animals  

8 DNA Chip Their use in genomic selection  in different specie.

9.Short description  of Next generation Sequencing and application in animal science . Short description of methods of genetic evaluations  in farm animals. Genomic selection to improve response to selection. Examples


Lessons notes

Slides presented during lessons

slides  included in the platform iol.unibo  and previouslu on AMS campus in the web site

Teaching methods

Lessons to the students, exercises. Deeper investigation on some arguments chosen by the students.

Discussion with students on the main aspects of the arguments considered within the course .

Seminars with experts and technicians operating in National association of Breeders involved in the definition of selection schemes.

Assessment methods

The lessons of "Methods of  Molecular  Genetics  for the improvement of  animal products" is a module of the Integrated Course "Biotechnology applied to animal productions" Consequently the examination test  will be performed only at the end of the lessons of the two modules of the Integrated course described  and it's represented by an oral exam with few questions  to check if the student  achieved the knowledge of the elements developed during the course . Therefore, the evaluation  will take into account jointly the level of knowledge and  the skills acquired by the student in relation to the contents of all of the teaching units. The assessment of learning is done through an oral test, lasting about 20 minutes, during which the knowledge and skills acquired about each of the teaching units will be assessed. The vote will express the degree of achievement  of the student regarding  the knowledge of the elements developed during the course and if the student has gained the capacity of critical evaluation in relation to the themes faced during the lessons . The final vote obtained in an oral exam will express the degree of achievement of an organic vew of the topics and subjects discussed during the lessons together with their critical utilization in relation to the themes faced during the course.The final vote  expressed in thirthy will take into account   the evaluations obtained in  examinations  achieved in each module of the Integrated Course 

Teaching tools

Slides ppt. 

Simple scientific papers on some relevant  argument described to the students.

Office hours

See the website of Roberta Davoli