18457 - Plant Morphophysiology

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Moduli: Luca Corelli Grappadelli (Modulo Mod 1) Luca Corelli Grappadelli (Modulo Mod 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 2)
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Viticulture and Enology (cod. 8527)

Learning outcomes

Knowledge related to the different levels of complexity/organization of higher plants: citology, histology, anatomy, functions.  This knowledge will assist the student in understanding aspects related to plant life, i.e. water absorption, water relations, gas exchanges, including anatomical and physiological traits related to the physiology. 

Introduction to plant hormones: synthesis, transport, active forms, catabolism, mode of action. Fast responses and gene-expression-mediated responses. 

Cell cycle and plant reproduction.

Course contents

This course is divided in two main Sections (Modules), one dealing with the Morphology of plants, znd one focusing on principles of Physiology.

The Morphology section (30 hours) is divided in 5 units (4 administered in class and one in the lab). They are designed to illustrate and progressively integrate complex knowledge.

- Unit 1 (4 hours) Basic constituents of living organisms: molecules, macromolecules, polymers, energy, enzymes, metabolism.

- Unit 2 (8 hours) Cytology, procariotic, eucariotic cells, membranes, cell wall, nucleus, cellular organelles (mytochondria, plastids, glyoxysomes), endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, vacuole. Cell Cycle.

- Unit 3 (8 hours) Histology: Pseudo- and True-tissues. Meristems and differentiated tissues: parenchymatic, tegumental, conducting, mechanical, reserve, secretory. Xylem and Phloem.

- Unit 4 (6 hours) Organography. Structure and function of: roots, trunk/shoots, leaves.

- Unit 5 (4 hours) Laboratory: preparation of, and observation under microscope of cells from various plant parts.

The Physiology section (30 hours) is equally divided in 5 units (4 administered in class and one in the lab), which include the following:

- Unit 1 (6 hours) Water relations: uptake and transport of water through the plant; root pressure and xylem tension; embolism; transport, thermal regulation, metabolic water.

- Unit 2 (8 hours) Plant/Light relations: wavelengths, photoreceptors, leaves as light filters. Photomorphogenesis: Phytochrome, Phototropins; Chryptochromes. Light reactions of photosynthesis, photoinhibition and photooxydation.

- Unit 3 (4 hours) Plant adaptation to its surroundings: environmental and endogenous signals. Reception, transmission and amplification of signals. Rapid responses and gene expression control.

- Unit 4 (8 hours) Plant hormones. Auxins, Cytochinins, Gibberellins, ABA, Ethylene. Salicilic acid, jasmonates, strigolactones, polyamines.

- Unit 5 (4 hours) Laboratory: measurement of leaf, stem water potentials of grapes subjected to different degrees of water stress; determination of leaf gas exchange parameters on leaves of the same vines.


The instructor provides his teaching materials through Unibo's digital online distribution systems. This does not include materials protected by copyrights that may be shown in class.

The following represent good reference books for the two parts of the course:


Biologia farmaceutica - Biologia vegetale, botanica farmaceutica, fitochimica, Pearson Italia


Elementi di Fisiologia Vegetale, EdiSES

Teaching methods

Formal lectures in class, using videos, slides and material prepared by the instructor.

Laboratories aimed at: providing hands-on experience of plant sample collection, preparation and observation under scope; determination of water relations and measurement of leaf gas exchanges, to document plant responses to water stress.

Assessment methods

The course will be assessed via a written multiple-choice exam, adminestered via Unibo's software.

The exam will consist of 32 questions, 16 per module, to be answered in 35 minutes.

Teaching tools

Laptop, beamer;


Ecophysiological instruments: Scholander pressure chamber for water potential determinations; Li-COR 6400 for leaf gas exchanges.

Office hours

See the website of Luca Corelli Grappadelli


Responsible consumption and production Climate Action

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.