20731 - Demoethnoanthropological Subjects

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Professional education (cod. 8477)

Learning outcomes

After completing the course the student:

- Knows the general outline of the development of the discipline

- Knows the theoretical and methodological problems that the discipline tackles in his practice today

- Has good cultural knowledge of social and territorial contexts;

- Knows the evolution of the concepts of culture and ethnicity and their fallout in the analysis and processing of hardship and marginalization

- Is able to identify the coordinates for the correct use of anthropological knowledge in the future professional practice

- Is able to use the anthropological knowledge for a critical reading of migration processes and intercultural mediation

- Know how to translate theoretical and methodological knowledge in anthropology in a critical and self-critical approach in the professiona.

- Understands the information emerging professional scope as data to be processed according to an ethnographic model

- It is capable of referring ethnographic approach, to improve the listening and interpretation of communication processes

- Is able to integrate knowledge and orientation in the anthropological knowledge in order to expand own's analytical tools.

Course contents

The course aims to share with the students some of the most significant acquisitions of contemporary anthropological research through analysis of specific cases. Second purpose is to guide students to a possible translation into their everyday practice in the sociale and educational work of theories. Particular attention will be devoted to the analysis of tools of the social - historical and cultural context in which student's provide the educational intervention in the social field.


Aime M., Il primo libro di antropologia, Torino, Einaudi, 2008 (cap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 14)

Una lettura (un capitolo o un articoli) a scelta tra:

AA.VV., Sofferenza sociale, Annuario di antropologia n. 8, 2006

AA.VV., Corpi, Annuario di Antropologia, n. 3, 2003

Castellano V., Revolving door: i servizi per i minori e la riproduzione delle disuguaglianze a New York, Junior edizioni, 2018

Fusaschi M., I segni sul corpo. Per un'antropologia delle modificazioni genitali femminili, Torino, Boringhieri, 2003

Guerzoni G.; Riccio B., Giovani in cerca di cittadinanza. I figli dell'immigrazione tra scuola e associazionismo: sguardi antropologici, Rimini, Guaraldi, 2009.

Lombardo Radice, M., Una concretissima utopia, Roma, Edizioni dell'Asino, 2010.

Pazzagli I., Tarabusi, F. Un doppio sguardo. Etnografia delle interazioni tra servizi e adolescenti di origine straniera, Rimini: Guaraldi, 2009

Taliani S., Vacchiano F., Altri corpi. Antropologia ed etnopsicologia della migrazione, Unicopli 2006

Teaching methods

Brainstorming , cooperative learning , group work , case study.

Assessment methods

Final interviews.

The question deal with general issues; it is up to students demonstrating their in-depth and detailed preparation through their anwers. The assessment procedure is grounding on the following criteria: a) detailed knowledge of the teaching programme contents and, specifically, of the books contentes; b) language proficiency; c) ability to be consistent with the issue proposed; d) ability to apply the thereotical background to concrete case studies and examples related to childcare settings.

Final score based on ../30 (18 is considered the minimum to pass the exam).

Inscription to the exam on Almaesami website.

For ERASMUS students only: possibility to arrange an oral exam in Italian Language.

Students must sign-up to the Alma Esami Portal by the set deadlines in order to attend the exam. Those who failed to enroll in due times for technical-related issues, must promptly report the problem to the Student Administration Office (before the official closing date of the enrollment procedure). The lecturer can allow them accessing the exam.

Teaching tools

Power point, audiovisual materials, etc.

Office hours

See the website of Giovanna Guerzoni


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.