47113 - Neurolinguistics

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Annio Posar
  • Credits: 2
  • SSD: MED/39
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Speech and Language Therapy (cod. 8478)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student has acquired a knowledge of normal development of language, language disorders, and specific and nonspecific learning disorders.

Course contents


1) Notions on the psychomotor development in the first years of life, including notes on the anatomical and functional organization of the central nervous system.

2) Normal language development in the first years of life.

3) Theories concerning the acquisition of language. The development of language functions.

4) Language disorders:

  • -- classifications
  • -- articulation disorder
  • -- secondary disorders due to hearing deficits, intellectual disability, psychiatric disorders, social and environmental deficits
  • -- specific or primary disorders of language.

5) Evaluation criteria of language development.

6) The treatment of the child with language disorder.

7) Specific learning disabilities, in particular reading and writing disorders.


1) In Maurizio De Negri: Neuropsicopatologia dello sviluppo, Piccin-Nuova LibrariaEditore, 1999, Maurizio De Negri in collaborazione con Silvia Tortorelli: "Sviluppo e patologia della funzione verbale", pp. 109-122.
2) InGlauco Mastrangelo, Manuale di Neuropsichiatriadell'Età Evolutiva,Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 1993, Anna Maria Chilosi, Paola Cipriani: "I disturbi del linguaggio",pp. 561-592.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons using PowerPoint presentations.

Attending the lessons is very important for the learning and therefore for the exam.

Assessment methods

Oral exam, consisting of two questions, designed to assess the achievement of the following learning objectives:

knowledge of the normal and pathological development of language;

knowledge of the main language disorders and related diagnostic tools;

knowledge of the learning disorders and related diagnostic tools;

knowledge of some general concepts concerning the speech therapy.

The exam will be passed if the result will be al least sufficient, that is 18/30. The highest grade will be 30 cum laude and it will be obtained by answering the questions appropriately with good abilities to show and rehash the covered topics.

Each topic covered in class can be examined.

Aids will only be possible in specific cases according to the regulations in force.

Teaching tools

A summary of the lessons is available for the students in the AMS Campus (institutional course materials repository).

Office hours

See the website of Annio Posar