39286 - Systemic Clinical Biochemistry

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Stefano Iotti
  • Credits: 3
  • SSD: BIO/12
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Biomedical Laboratory techniques (cod. 8484)

Learning outcomes

The student will achivea a detailed knowledge of the regulation of the biochemical processes in different tissues (liver, muscle, brain) together with ageneraloverview ofthe main biochemical deficitsgenerating metabolic diseasesin different tissues.

Course contents

Sistematic Biochemistry

Liver. Functions and metabolic flexibility. Bile acids. Glucidic metabolism. Lipid metabolism. Protein metabolism. Detossification of xenobiotics. Protection from Oxidative damage. Ethanol metabolism.

Muscle. Contractile and regulatory proteins. Muscle contraction. Ionic channel. Calcium fluxes. Skeletal and cardiac muscle metabolism. Bioenergetics: system of energy buffers "phosphocreatine shuttle" model.

Brain. Biochemistry of the transmission of the nerve impulses. Synaptic transmission. Ectopic neurotransmission. Ephaptic coupling of cortical neurons. post-synaèptic receptors. GABA and Glutamic acid. NO and long term potentiation.

Tisuses homeostasis.

Regolatory mechanisms of tissues homeostasis. Regulationof transcription factorsfunction. Hormones. Membrane receptors. Proteine kinases and signal transduction. G proteins.


Biochimica Sistematica Umana

C.M. Caldarera


Fondamenti di Biochimica

D. Voet

J. Voet

C. W. Pratt


Teaching methods


Assessment methods

written test with multiple choice questions

Teaching tools

Teaching material such as slides, animations, films used during lessons will be made available to studens on line. The printable material should be taken by the student to class.

The teaching material can be dowloaded at http://campus.unibo.it/

Username and password are assigned to students regularly registered atthe University of Bologna

Office hours

See the website of Stefano Iotti