00929 - Modern History

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Foreign Languages and Literature (cod. 0979)

Learning outcomes

Critical Methodology of approach to Early Modern History analizing a case study: the evolution of the Russian Empire

Course contents

the political theology inside the russian and ottoman empire in the xviii century is linked to the proccess of grwoning of the cultural role of the western culture

the indigenous cultural leadership, like in Russia especially Sergei Semenovic Uvarov, open them the roots for a reinvention of the Past as instrument of new kinds of the Power


B. Uspenskij, Storia e semiotica, Bompiani, 1988; B. Uspenskij, Tipologia delle culture, Bompiani, 1987; Ju. Lotman, Da Rousseau a Tolstoj, Il Mulino, 1998; F. Martelli, Imperi d'Oriente tra Illuminismo e riforme (1760-1840). Faint-Priest, D'Ohsson, Uvarov e le nuove teologie politiche, libreriauniversitaria.it Edizioni, in corso di stampa; Shrines of the Holy land contested by the Russian and the Turk, Longman, 1854; S. Uvarov, Nonnos von Panopolis Der Dichter, Pluchart, 1817.

Teaching methods

teacher's lessons

Assessment methods

the students can choice the oral or writ proof

Office hours

See the website of Fabio Martelli